Ways to Live

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Chapter 1

I thought it was all over until I saw a kind creature walk over to me.It was a tall fellow.He was all cuts and scratches. The earthquake had wrecked everything.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
He helped me up out of the rocks that had fallen on top of me.
"Not really," I said.
"Come with me, I will help you."
I followed him not at all knowing where he was bringing me.He brought me into a tiny wooden cottage that smelled like feet and corpses.
There was 5 scary looking men sitting at a table in the only room.
"This is the one," the man said pushing me over to them.
"A healthy looking one," a man with a scar on his cheek said.
The man at the far end of the table went over to a little cupboard.He took out what looked like a big knife.
"What are you doing," I cried with fear.
"You really thought I'd help you when we're starving, dirty and willing to live," said the grubby man who brought me here.
"Please don't chop me up," I cried.
"Oh we're not going to do that... yet, were just taking a sample of blood,"said the one holding the knife.
He slit the corner of my finger with the knife and put a sample of my blood into a little test tube.
One of the men pushed me into the room. It was locked on the outside.There was no windows, just a a little rug on the floor.I thought the room was empty until I heard a little whimpering noise come from a corner in the room.
"Who's there?" I asked nervously.
A skinny looking girl stood up. She was smaller than me.
"Who are you?"she asked looking really scared.
"I'm Rosie Jones," I replied.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Sara Maguire," she said a bit less scared.
"What are they going to do with us?" I asked.
"They're going to leave us here until tomorrow and then...they're going to chop us up and sell us in the market pretending its pig meat," she said bursting out into tears.

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