Chapter 1-Day before breakup

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'' LOUIS!'' Eleanor yells from the other side of mall..'' Come on! I wanna buy a pair of boot high heels!'' She screams again.'' I'm coming, I'm coming!'' Louis says running over to her with 10 bags in his hand.'' Give me your wallet.'' She says putting her hand out. Louis puts all the bags in one hand, grabbing his wallet with the other and handing it to her.'' Thank you.'' She says smiling.'' You're welcome.'' Louis says smiling. He wasn't bothered at all with the deal of carrying all her bags and letting her use his money. She was his girlfriend after all, and he'd do anything to make her happy.

'' Okay Louis, hold these- thank you. Now let go to the bakery over there.'' Eleanor says, and points to a bakery shop. In Louis' opinion it's stupid to have one in a mall.'' Okay, but can we drop these off at the car before going in?'' Louis asks, well more like pleading Eleanor.'' Okay, go to the car, I'll wait in the bakery.'' She says to him.'' Okay.'' Louis says, and walks out the mall to the car to put away the bags.

Eleanor walks over the cute little bakery shop and walks in sitting down. She puts her purse on the table, and gets out her lipstick, just incase any cute boys are around.'' Can I help you?'' A tall boy asks her getting her attention. She smiles.'' Go time.'' She says inside her head. She pulls down her shirt, making the top of her boobs show.'' Yes, I'd like a coffee, cream, milk, and sugar.'' She says to him, sending him a flirty smile.'' Coming right up.'' He says.

Louis walks into the bakery, which makes Eleanor wipe off most her lipstick and pull her shirt back up, and smile at him. He smiles back at her and sits down.'' Sorry it took so long, it was hard to get the keys out of my pocket without dropping the bags.'' Louis says. Eleanor just looks at him and says '' It's okay.'' and mutters a idiot; which Louis doesn't hear. The guy walks back over to Eleanor hand her the coffee.'' Do you want anything sir?'' The man asks.'' Yes, I'd like-.'' Louis says and then looks up to see the man.'' Harry?'' Louis questions.

The man looks at him confused.'' Do I know you?'' He asks. Louis just stares at him.'' Hazza?'' Louis says standing up. The man looks taken back. He just stares at Louis for a minute and speaks up.'' Louis?'' The man says. Louis smiles at him, making him smile to. ''Hazza!'' ''BooBear!'' They both yell at the same time, and then tackle each other in a death gripping hug.'' It's been so long.'' Harry says, burying his head into Louis' neck.'' To long.'' Louis murmurs, laying his chin on Harrys shoulder. After about 2 minutes or 3, they let go of each other.'' Harry this is my girlfriend Eleanor, Eleanor this is my best friend Harry.'' Nice to meet you.'' Harry says, and puts his hand out. Eleanor puts on a fake smile and shakes his hand.'' Like wise.''

'' So how long has it been, 5 years?'' '' Yeah.'' ''I've missed you man.'' Louis says hugging Harry again; Harry hugging back. They pull away and smile at each other.'' So, you and Lilley still together?'' Louis asks Harry. Harry smiles fondly at him.'' We broke up 3 years ago.'' Harry tells him.'' '' Well I bet she doesn't know what she's missing.'' Louis says to him making him smile more.'' I'll go wait in the car Louis.'' Eleanor says getting bored of them.'' okay babe .'' '' You know, if I was taken, I'd date you.'' Louis says winking at Harry. Harry laughs at Louis, making him laugh with.'' Really?'' Harry says smirking and raising and eyebrow at Louis.'' Yep.'' Louis replies, popping the 'p' at the end. Harry grabs a piece of paper, and writes down something, and hands it to Louis.

Louis looks at the piece of paper to see Harry number and address. He smiles and laughs.'' Are you serious dude?'' Louis says.'' Yeah. You said you'd date me and I'd rather go on a date first.'' Harry says smirking. Louis blushes at th- wait Louis blushed.'' And I also said if I were single.'' Louis remarks.'' Well, you never know.'' Harry says.'' Well, I'll tell you this, if me and Eleanor break up tomorrow, I'll go on this date with you.'' Louis says to Harry.'' Deal.'' Harry says. Louis looks taken back and agrees.'' Deal.'' They both shake hands.'' Well, I'd best be going don't want her to wait any longer.'' Louis says.'' okay, it was great seeing you again.'' Harry says.'' You to.'' Louis replies. They hug one last time and smile at each other, then Louis walks out the door and to his car.'' Harry look at the time and sees its time to close. He cleans up every thing, and locks up the shop.

Harry walks over the giant fountain and sits on the edge. He grabs a penny out of his pocket.'' I wish Eleanor and Louis would break up tomorrow.'' He says to the penny. He kisses it and tosses it to the pond. Harry then walks out the mall and to his car. He drives home and parks in his garage. He just sits in the car and puts his head to the wheel.'' Let's hope this wish comes true.'' Harry says. And walks into his house, taking his shoes off, locking the doors, and running upstairs to change. Harry strips to his boxers and climbs into bed.'' If only you knew Louis.'' Harry whispers before falling asleep.


Well there's chapter 1 :D I hope you guys liked it. And I'm giving you the choice on when I post the chapters. You have 3 choices.

1. Post two chapters a day a chapter each day

3. Post a chapter then post another in two days

and of course im being nice so I'm going to post the second one today. <3

Gay And Didn't Know (Larry Stylinson Story) *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now