The World of Mirrors

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"In here, Kiyoteru-sensei," Miku said dragging her very reluctant teacher into the girls' bathroom

"Yes, yes," he sighed. He kept his eye out for female students as he entered the restricted area. "Now, what is it I'm supposed to see?'

He watched as Miku carefully approached one of the bathroom mirrors. She appeared cautious as she placed a steady hand on the cool glass. "It was this one..." she began. "She went through this mirror. I saw it." Images of the green light, the portal, and her friend's terrified face rushed through her mind. "Someone took her away!" she blurted, remembering the eerie pair of hands that grabbed onto her shoulders before she disappeared.

"Miku, I'm busy enough as it is. Please don't call me unless you have a real emergency."


"Goodbye," he said leaving.

"Useless," she snapped under her breath. Miku looked back at the mirror, wearing a worried expression. "Where did she go?"

Rin walked through a pool of darkness seeing nothing, hearing nothing and feeling nothing. Where was she? She didn't know. She'd been walking for what felt like an eternity. She had no destination in mind. All she wanted was to find someone―something besides this empty darkness. "Hello," she called. "Is anybody there?" she received no response, her voice fading into the nothingness.

She fell on her knees, her exhaustion finally weighing in on her. "Anybody..." she croaked. She didn't want to be left alone. Not in this barren field of nothing.

Murky air blew from behind her. Rin froze remembering the last time she felt the comforting wind. Fighting her exhaustion, Rin got back up on her feet and without even looking back, she ran.


Before Rin could even ponder the familiarity of the voice, a hand went right through her chest. She screamed and screamed until her voice went out on her. "Ahh," she said breathing her last scream as she tripped over her own two feet. Tears welled in her eyes. Was she going to die? On her birthday? She was too young and had so many regrets. Rin's mind was on overload, therefore she could not contemplate the fact that she felt no pain.

Rin blinked, her mind finally starting to clear. She placed a hand on her chest realizing the hand had disappeared and that she bore no wounds. She wiped her tears as she stood up. Had it been her imagination?

"Don't you think you were overreacting, just a bit?"

She flinched as she turned to the source of the voice. With his spiky blond hair, deep blue eyes, and unamused expression, she recognized him in an instant. It was her mirror image. Only this time there was no mirror separating them. "Y―You."

He smiled, captivating her instantly. "Ah, Rin. How I've longed to speak with you."

She took a cautious step back. "Who Who are you?"

"I am nothing but a subconscious," he said, his face becoming serious.

She was confused. A subconscious? A subconscious of whom?

"I don't even have the ability to touch you." He demonstrated by brushing his fingertips across her cheek. She felt nothing.

"Eh?" She outstretched her arm towards him in an attempt to graze him, but her arm only went through him. He was intangible, as if he was nothing more than air. Her eyes widened at the strangeness of it all.

Regaining her composure she said, "If you are what you say you are, then...who or what brought me here?"

He lowered his eyes. "It was me. I used the last of my power to solidify myself so I'd be able to bring you here. I am in a weak state right now," he said staring at his transparent palms.

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