First Kiss/ He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend.

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Since your first date with Seth, he had taken you several others, and even though these were small dates you loved every single one. However tonight was the night of a big, almost clichè movie date. Seth was taking you to a fancy, and no doubt ludicrously expensive restaurant for your 4th date.

You were just sliding on your nude Christian Louboutins, and sliding in your earrings when you heard the doorbell. You smoothed out your long maroon evening dress and checked over your makeup, before opening the door. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw Seth, standing in an all black suit, minus his suit jacket. He was talking to you but you were too lost in your thought of how amazing Seth's muscular arms and chest looked in the tight black shirt. He coughed and you shook you head coming back into reality. You blushed and followed Seth to the posh rented car, complete with a chaffeur. It was a short drive to the restaurant, but for the whole ride Seth seemed nervous, you didn't mention it but you thought it was adorable.

As you pulled up at then restaurant Seth was the definition of a gentleman, he opened every door and pulled out your seat. You sat down in a secluded area of the restaurant, hidden away from the prying eyes of anyone else. You and Seth held hands across the table, him playing with cute bow ring on your finger, you seperated as the waiter came over and poured you both a glass of one of their best wines; chateauneuf du pape. You both thanked the waiter and placed your food orders, your hands finding place in eachothers as soon as the waiter left. You both enjoyed your food and wine, happily chatting. It was safe to say that this was one of the best nights of your life and you really were catching feelings for Seth.

As the end of your date drew closer, Seth paid the check and led you out to your chaffeured car. The car drove you straight back to your apartment, Seth got out of the car to walk you to your door. "Thank you for an amazing night Seth" you said straightening out his tie. He smiled at you "Hey uh Y/N, i wanted to ask you something" he said shakily. "Go ahead" you smiled pulling your hands away from his chest. "I really enjoyed tonight, and all the other nights i've spent with you and i was wondering if maybe you'd like to spend every night with me..i guess uh im asking you to be my girlfriend" he awkwardly stumbled over his words. You let out a little almost inaudible giggle before placing your hand on the back of his neck, pulling him down into a soft and sweet kiss. He pulled back suprised, but visibly much calmer, "I'll take that as a yes then" he said confidently. You rolled your eyes, giving him another kiss, "Whatever Rollins" you rolled your eyes before saying your goodbyes.

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