The offecces

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I want to make my YouTube carrier full time I heard there was a office called sky-media and there is an open spot I guess some one left? I say to f/n "I'm going out I'll be back probably later tonight"I don't tell her were I'm going she looks at me with her were the fuck do you think your going look "bye princess" I say to our sleeping puppy and I leave to the offices.

Adam's POV
I'm walking around the office and I see someone walk in I say "hi are you here for the open spot?" She says "yes are you Adam?" I say "yes come with me we can start the interview" she nods and follows me she seems nice.

Ross's POV
I'm walking to my office from the couch potatoes area and I see y/n she is with Adam i decide to leave her alone she must be doing something important so I go to my office bored it was so much more fun when max was here then we could annoy him it is fun to make him mad max haha.

I get to Adams office and he starts the interview he says "do you have a channel already?" I say "yes it's y/nPlays" "ok are you a nice person?" He says I reply with a yes

*slithering serpents time skip*

I follow Adam to my new office it has nothing in it but I know how to make it work I'll put some purple soundphome here some black there and my black and purple desk there and my attack on titans poster there a black butler poster there and my orin high-school and fariytale ones there👍.

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