The Light

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It was a cold night in Tanbarun. Rain fell, making the air cold and foggy. The ground was covered in a thick layer of mud because it has been raining for a few hours, but Shirayuki didn't care. She was on a mission, a mission to gather some herbs.

Shirayuki stomped threw the mud and leafs on the forest floor, leaving a trail of sloppy footprints behind her. She wore a thin light brown cloak with her hood on, long boots with thick stalkings, and her trusty bag hanging at the side of her hip.


"AHHHHHH" Shirayuki jumped, surprised by the loud thunder that shook every bone in her body. She stumbled in the mud then slipped and fell on her butt. "Ow." She whispered to herself. 'It's so muddy I can't get anywhere! Still, I need those herds for my medicine. It's easier to get them out of the mud then hard dirt anyway. I'll have to keep going.' "HUU," sighing to herself she pushed herself off the wet, cold, muddy ground and proceeded through the woods in her wet muddy clothes .

The wind blew violently, making her body sway and fall in the wet, cold, and muddy ground yet again. 'I guess I can wait to get the herd bushes in the morning. They still should be easy to pull out.' Trying to stand up she pushes herself off the ground with her hands but slips from the sea of mud. Her body comes crashing down again but her leg hit something sharp. "Tsk." Shirayuki grabbed her left leg, holding it tightly with both hands. She lets go just enough to see her hands covered in blood. She looks down to see her stalking is ripped and covered in blood. A deep gash just under her left thigh . 'Ow, what do I do? I have to get home and treat my leg before it gets infected.'

She takes her bag off her shoulder and rummages through the contents. She finds a canteen of water, medical tape, and a small clean rag. Quickly pouring the water over her cut she hisses at the pain and clenches her teeth together. She wipes her cut with the clean towel and starts to rap her leg in the medical tape. "AAHHH!" She screams, from having to tighten the medical tap around her leg.

Shaking, she slow stands up and pushes herself from the muddy ground. She stands still for a few seconds to take deep breaths. '3...' breath, '2..." breath, '1...' She tales a deep breath before she starts to walk. "Tsk."

She slowly walks for 30 minutes before she collapses. 'All that walking really made the cut bleed.' She uses what little strength she has and pulled herself to a tree for shelter from the rain, and leans against a tree.

Few rain droplets fall from the tee, "phew." 'At least I won't get any wetter.'

Her clothes are socked in water and mud. She bites her bottom lip to stop her teeth from chattering. "I can feel the cold all the way through my bones." She murmurs to herself.

A gust of wind blows, causing her to shiver. She looks down to see her whole left leg drenched in blood. "Sigh."

After a about an hour of fighting off the cold from her body and the pain in her left leg Shirayuki starts to see everything blur. She rubs her eyes with both hands, but still everything is blurry. She stares up to see the silhouette of the tree, leaf swaying back-and-forth. Taking her eyes off the tree and closes them and starts to take deep breaths. Slowly she turns her head forward again and opens her eyes. There she sees a small light coming her way. She blinks then looks at the light again. 'It's real!'

She takes a deep breath and pushes herself up with the trunk of the tree. Slowly taking wobbly steps. "Help." She try's to say but it comes out as a small whisper. She knows the figure can't here her anyway it's still to far away.

Her leg hurts and so do her lungs from the cold air, but she doesn't give up. She picks up herself pace.

Slowly coming into view she sees a black figure of a man. "Help." She whispers, reaching out her hand while she keeps walking closer and closer to the figure.

Finally the figure is close enough to figure out she needs help and starts to jog over to her. She stretches her hand out as far as she can and takes one more step. "HELP!" This time her words come out big and loud. Then her vision goes black and she can feel herself falling. She braces for impact, but the ground never came. Instead she hears the lantern fall to the ground and two strong arms rap around her slim waist. Then she passes out.




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I'm working on the next chapter and will post it as soon as I can!💕
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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