Learn How To Love.

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The wind made the cold, winter weather seem 20 degrees colder. As I walked, the wind blew my hair into my face. The street was crowded. My bags were getting heavy in my hands, but I continued to walking. Number One on my Christmas list: A new car. I turned the corner, and saw my home come into view. The small ranch styled home was just a few houses down.

Taylor was inside, waiting for me. "Autumn's asleep."

"Thanks Taylor. I still can't pay you this month. I can't afford it." I sighed, exhausted. Taylor just shook her head and smiled "No charge. I don't need it. I'm a lawyer, remember? Well, I have to go. Bye, Di." with that, she was gone. It was about midnight by the time I finished putting up the Christmas tree. I put my bags in my office closet.

I could'nt sleep. Time flew by, until finally my alarm went off. I got out of bed and walked to hte kitchen. I walkedinto the kitchen and made pumpkin spice coffee. Autumn began to cry. She lay in her crib. "Shhh. It's okay, it's okay." She looked up at me, her baby blue eyes shining from tears. "Hi Audi! Whats wrong?" She began to smile. I made a goofy face to make her laugh.

I set her in the play pen and turned on the tv. Two and a half men showed up on the screen. Autumn began to cry again, so I picked her up and layed down next to her on the couch. "You only know you've been high when your feeling low. You only miss the sun when it starts to snow. You only hate the road when your missing home. You only know your lover when you let her go." I softly sang. Autumn and I fell into a deep sleep.


Autumn crying and my phone ringing is what I woke up to. I answered the phone and pulled Autumn closer. It was my mother. "Mom!" I exclaimed into the phone.

"Diana!" She coughed. "Mom?! What's wrong?"                                                                                                                                           "Autumn Can't come home."                                                                                                                                  "Why not?" I asked, confused.                                                                                                                           " I can't take care of her."                                                                                                                                         "Neither can I!! I can't take care of a child mom!" I exclaimed. Silence. My mother hung up on me. I can't take care of Autumn, I can barely do it now. I called the only person who can help. The phone rang, until some one answered.

"Diana."                                                                                                                                                                                      "Jade."




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2013 ⏰

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