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Nichole: Hey Mark?

Mark: Yeah?

Nichole: You watch Markiplier too right?

Mark: I guess you could say I do lol. Why?

Nichole: Has he seemed extremely sad to you in his videos?

Nichole: Hey just doesn't seem as happy as what he normally is in his videos.

Mark: You can tell just by watching him?

Nichole: Well yeah? I've been watching him since he first got his webcam for Amnesia.

Mark: Are you serious? You've been watching him for that long?

Nichole: Yeah, that was the video that saved my life that night.

Mark: . . .

Nichole: Are you okay Mark?

Mark: Yeah, yeah, just trying to wrap my head around it all.

Nichole: Sorry haha. I was just worried about him.

Mark: Well, I'm sure he'd be touched to know that someone like you was worried about some silly dude like him.

Nichole: Haha, yeah, you think?

Mark: I'm pretty sure. ☺

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