Chapter 3---Jeff's house

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We climbed out of the hole to see that it was already pitch-black outside.


I took a look around me and smelled the breeze.

"Sniff sniff,Aaaghh the sweet smell of the night." Jeff said with a chuckle,"Yeah...sometimes I think that the night is beautiful with peace and quiet."

  ":)" "Then again, it's better off with the sounds of piercing screams echoing in the night." -.- "Come on let's go!"

Ima just skip it...there was blood 'n stuff so yeah...SKIPPING

"Haha did u see the guy's face?!?"

"Haha yeah he was all like..." Both: "XC and XI haha" "Heheh...w-well." "Well wht?"He looked at me with confusion."I-I just don't have a place to sleep for the night..." "Well tht can be arranged."

"NO!I'm not going to slender's mansion!!!"

"No not place." "Oh, well thts different."

At his place-------

"You sleep in my bed, I'll find a place to sleep." "U sure?" "Ya...unless, u....want to...sleep with" "S-sure..." "Ok..."

In his room-------

Mercy>>>wow...I think I have feelings for him... :O OMGOMGOMG!!!!HE IS CUDDLING UP TO ME!!! Me likely.....

Jeff>>>Man she's cute...not as cute as MEH...but still cute.I hope she likes me too... :0 Now's my chance!!!

Mercy>>> Is he gonna kiss me?Is he a good kisser?Am I going to die?!?!EEEKKKKKK!!!!!!!!SO EXCITING!!!

Mercy's POV

We were facing each other so we were eye-to-eye level.Then, he leaned in and kissed me.HE KISSED ME!!!!AND I KISSED BACK!!!

Jeff's POV

I just couldn't resist...I just HAD to  kiss her.But what shocked me the most was that she kissed back!!!!SHE LIKES ME SHE LIKES ME!!!!!!!!!

That's all I'm doing.No making out...Only Kissing.




:) :P XD

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