A Reconsideration of my Life

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After my last case with the boys I had gone home to be with Bobby for a bit. The boys and picked up another case soon after but I left them to it.
After getting home Bobby put me straight to work again. Mind you there was the initial happy reunion and making sure I was all in one piece but then I had to complete all of the jobs that had been neglected in my absence.
Thankfully Bobby hadn't forgotten to feed Whiskey while I was gone, but I couldn't risk taking her with me.

To start with I spent about a week out in the salvage yard fixing up cars that had been left for Bobby to fix and had only been half finished.
The next couple of days were spent with us then dropping them off to the various hunters.

Finally we had caught up on everything. I had grabbed a beer and was sitting on the porch relishing the sun that had finally come out from behind the cloud.
In front of me the car yard stretched out in front of me, various cars stacked up on top of each other and odd bits and pieces scattered on the ground.

Whiskey lay next to me on the ground. I reached down and absentmindedly scratched her with my left hand.
Pulling my hand back to shoo away a fly I realised my hand was covered in a fine layer of dirt.

"You need a bath Whiskey" I said looking at her closer. There was whimper as she sat up and looked at me.

"Come on you love baths"


A couple of minutes later I had the hose out, a couple of towels and a bucket of warm soapy water next to me in the middle of the yard.

"Whiskey" I called, "bath time!"

There was a patter of paws as she appeared from around the other side of the shed. Trotting over she stood in front of the bucket and then lunged at a nearby fly that was bothering her.

Taking off my shoes I stood barefoot on the cement in my shorts and tank top. Squatting down next to Whiskey I grabbed the hose and turned it on. I made sure that the pressure wasn't too high before starting to rinse her off.

The water turned brown as it dropped off of her fur. Once I was satisfied that she was thoroughly wet and mostly rinsed off I grabbed the shampoo, squirted a small amount into my hand and began to rub it into her fur.

Soon she looked as though she had white fur because of all of the shampoo foam. As I turned my back on her to bring the bucket over she decided she would have a shake.
I was halfway turned back to her and hence got water and soap all over my face and clothes.

"Really girl?" I asked as I tried to wipe my face. I swore she grinned at me as her tail started wagging.
Grabbing the jug out of the bucket I slowly poured the warm water over her, using my free hand to make sure that all of the shampoo came out. If any soap wasn't washed out when it dried it would be really itchy.

Once the bucket was empty I made sure she was fully clean before turning to grab the towels.
This time I had the sense to stop and wait until she was done shaking and spraying water everywhere before trying to approach her with the towels.

As I rubbed her with the towels she started playfully growling and trying to grab the towel in her teeth.
This eventually turned into playing tug of war and chasing her around the yard as she went into her loopy faze.

Once I was able to grab her I quickly brought her inside so she could dry off before getting dirty again.
Running straight over to her bed she leapt into it, turning upside down and rubbing her back and soaking her bed in the process. I laughed and she stopped, looking up at me from her upside down position.

With another playful growl she jumped up and started chasing her tail. After catching it she looked back over to me as if to see if I was still watching her.
Seeing that I was she let go and turned around to chase it the other way. The faster she got the further out of reach her tail seemed and eventually she collapsed into a dizzy heap on the floor.

I heard a laugh from behind me and turning around I saw Bobby standing in the doorway.

"So what did you do?" He asked with a grin, "wash the dog or just transfer the dirt to yourself...?"

I looked down at myself confused. My white tank top has several brown patches, my shorts were soaked and my legs looked more tanned than usual.
Awkwardly I tried to smooth my wild hair down to look a little bit more presentable.

"Go have a shower" he chuckled, "I'll make dinner."


The next day I left Bobby to man the phones and headed out to Harvelle's Roadhouse. Ellen had called me last night to ask if I could come and help out for a bit as hunter numbers had increased.

I opted not to take my motorbike as I wanted to bring Whiskey. Grabbing the keys for the old ute, I dumped my duffle bag in the back and hit the road.
With the windows down I relished the warm air flowing through the car.

After a while I reached over and turned on the radio, scanning through the stations t try and find music.
Just as I was about to give up Pink blared through my speakers.

I'm not here for your entertainment
You don't really want to mess with me tonight
Just stop and take a second
I was fine before you walked into my life
Cause you know it's over
Before it began
Keep your drink just give me the money
It's just you and your hand tonight

Soon my voice joined hers as we sped along the highway, and all my frustrations and unease were soon gone.
The station continued to give me the hits of the year so far, some I knew and some that I didn't.

It was late afternoon when I arrived at the roadhouse. Already there were several trucks out the front and I could hear a ruckus inside.
Driving around the back I parked next to Ellen's car and quickly headed inside, Whiskey trotting along next to me.

Once we got inside though she was happy enough to go and lay on her bed while I went and found Jo.

Walking up the the bar door, I stood and waited until I heard a break in the conversation. Once I heard the volume decrease a margin I burst through the door and threw my hands in the air.

"Everybody relax, I'm here!" I shouted and started and impromptu little dance.

Jo let out a little chuckle before going back to serving the hunters at the bar who looked as though they'd never seen a person dance before.
Snagging an apron off of a hook behind the counter I stepped up next to Jo.

"How can I help milady?" I asked, pretending to tip my hat to her.

A smile graced her face before turning serious again.

"Start serving customers Riley!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2016 ⏰

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