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He drove with conviction, hand perched high on the steering wheel and intense, fervent gaze steadied on the horizon. Sun long sunken into the earth, its warmth was replaced with the biting wintry air and string of city lights. Left hand in control of the vehicle and the right placed at his mouth, picking away at his lip like the anxiety clawing away at his insides, Harry tore through the city like a bullet in the night. He would glance at his rearview every now and then out of uneasiness, finding nothing.

Tonight, there were no flashing lights to slow him down.

There was no sound to fill the spacious vehicle, only the obnoxious tapping of boot along the rubber mats lining the floor. This continued all the way through town, picking up pace upon nearing the edge of the neighborhood he'd made a note to remember. Streetlamps swaying above every sign, it was easy navigating. After three turns—two left and one right—Harry was well on his way. The regulations of the neighborhood called for slower speeds that he begrudgingly accommodated with a frown.

Thankfully so, for he may have missed her otherwise. Violet was expected to be waiting in the safety of her driveway, not walking around the neighborhood so as to meet him halfway. Harry found her nearly two streets over, suitcase in tow. The Rover had just passed her when he caught the sight of a figure in his peripheral, eyes narrowing in on them through the rearview. You can imagine his confusion in observing a girl walking with her head drooped low, luggage trailing.

The vehicle was thrown in park, brake lights casting the familiar figure in a pink hue.

"What are you doing out here?" The stern question prompted Violet to look up, never mind the car that came to a jutting halt just seconds before. Vehicles had passed her the whole night through—she paid no mind. Harry soon understood why upon taking in the sight of her distraught features. Pink, glittery trails of tears painted their way down the contours of her cheeks. For a moment the pair mirrored one another, standing perfectly aligned on either end of the sidewalk, breath fogging the night sky.

This was vulnerability—staring at him and he, at her.

Violet shrugged innocently so as to break from it. "Waiting for you."

"Why didn't you just stay in your car? You would have been warm." The statement wore at her features, further upsetting Violet at the reminder of what had her so troubled. Harry realized this all too late, face falling a bit at the sight of her. The words that came next were softer, eyes alight with newfound understanding. He answered his own question. "You didn't want to."

Her eyes welled.

Harry strode to her side. "Fuck, I didn't mean to make you cry, lovely." Their hands brushed as he took the suitcase from her. Violet found comfort in the free hand that came to rest upon her lower back, guiding her towards the vehicle that awaited them. It radiated the warmth she craved foolishly stood all alone out in the cold. "That's the last thing I want to do."

"It's okay," she told him. "It's not your fault."

Harry encouraged the trembling form into the passenger seat of the vehicle he made sure to keep running for. Violet shuddered at the sudden contrast in temperature upon clambering into the vehicle, at the feeling of an arm brushing along her stomach in buckling her in. She blushed, at this. Beyond old enough to situate herself, it felt silly to have someone reaching over her, adjusting the dials to her liking. Though, it was hard not to admire. "Thank you," she gushed, not at all accustomed nor in her realm of comfort, yet appreciative all the same.

Harry nodded before shutting her in. The dome lights inside the vehicle dimmed until Violet was left to exist alone in total darkness, though this was temporary. Neighborhood undisturbed if not for them occupying one side of a vacant street, the peace was broken up by the wheels of her suitcase rolling across the asphalt. She watched the silhouette of her savior's figure until it disappeared behind the large vehicle. There, Harry surveyed the area while the door to the Rover's trunk slowly gravitated upwards.

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