Love is a battle

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Vanoss pov:

I woke up to the normal scene with Delirious on my body. I love that this is normal now. I play with his hair as I look down at him. At one point he shifted and I could see his whole upper body. I could see every kiss I planted on his body. Then I looking to my hickey mark that I redarkened for him last night. I love him so much. It was only eight in the morning but I wasn't tired so I stayed like this with him.

"Evan~" I hear him say in his sleep. I turn to him to only feel his face be berried into my neck. His hands on my chest and his legs intertwine with mine. He's dreaming about me. I rub his back as I kiss his forehead. He started moving around more signaling he was trying to wake up. "Mmm."

"Morning babe." I say playing with his hair again.

"Morning Evybear~" He says as he cuddles closer to me. I don't know if he was even fully awake to know what he said but didn't care. His pet name for me was cute.

"Hey, you awake?" He didn't say anything. I decided to have a little fun with him. I moved my mouth just over his ear. "Delirious, wakey wakey." I whisper to him. Then I place my lips on his earlobe tugging it down a bit. His eyes shot open as he leaned up putting a hand to his ear.

"Did you just do that?" He asked. I grinned at him.

"Yeah, I did. And I'll do it again if you don't wake up." He definitely woke up after that. He got up and that was when I saw he was only wearing his boxers. I examined his body seeing more kiss marks showered over his pale skin.

"Okay. I'm up you bitch." He said laughing at the end. I got up and got ready.

"Today's the day Delirious." He put his hand against his fist.

"Yeah it is. That fuckers gonna get all he deserves and more." We got ready. Delirious put on a light weight bullet proof vest and his blue hoodie. I packed extra heat with extra ammo on each side of me. Once we were done we saw the others checking their weapons in the living room. Everyone was ready. We were going to go meet everyone at the old football field. Me and Delirious took his bike while the others took two armored trucks.

"Del, I have to tell you something before we get there." I told him. Since Mini hasn't given anyone their ear coms this was my only chance to tell him. He pulled over about a mile away from the meet up spot.

"What is it Evan?" He asked. It was now or never, literally. I turned to him ready for anything.

"There's something I've been wanting to say for a while now. With today being a big mission it's an iffy if any of us will make it back in one piece or even at all. I want to get this off my chest so that my mind will be focused entirely on the mission at hand." He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Evan, what's the thing you wanna tell me?" He asked in a calm and kind voice. It was like he was a whole different person around me and I love it. I love him.

"Delirious I love you." I said and pulled his mask up to his nose. I pulled him into a kiss so passionate I was taken back by how loving it is. I wrapped my arms around his waist holding him as close as possible. Like he was my life line and if I let go for even a second I would die. His arms wrapped around my neck with his fingers getting tangled in my hair. I was lost in the moment tuning everything out except our own heartbeats beating as one. It felt like eternity before we broke for air. He smiled at me showing me his cute dimples.

"If we make it through this I'll make sure to tell you how I feel so you better not die on me." He said. I smile nodding to him. He pulls down his mask and we get back on his bike riding the last mile to the place. Once there I walked through the gate leading to the football field. Everyone was sitting in the stands talking with one another. Everyone seemed to notice me standing there and quieted down.

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