Chapter 18- Losing Loved Ones

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Allison's POV

I woke up in Scott's arms,today was the day I dreaded most.. Moms funeral.. Elena said she was gonna be there and so did Amanda, Kayla and Scott. That made me feel just a little bit better, but not all the way. I just stared around the room not ready for today. I couldn't stop shaking, So I got up carefully and went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I stared at myself, I sure didn't like what I seen. I had bags under my eyes, my hair was a mess, my makeup was smeared, and I smelled horrible. I decided to take a shower. hopefully Scott and his mom wouldn't mind. After taking a shower, I got dressed and Scott was just staring out the window. He was planning something, I knew that face from anywhere!

"What are you thinking bout?" I asked Scott

"Uhm, nothing. I'm gonna hop in the shower so I can get ready for your moms funeral." Scott said

"Alright, thanks for coming with me" I said with a slight smile at the end.

"No problem" Scott said.

I realized my dress was at my moms house. So I hopped in the car and drove there.

I finally made it, but I wasn't sure of going inside. I got to the door and chills were sent down my spine. I opened the door and I went upstairs and quickly got the dress I passed my moms door and I heard her voice.

"Mom?" I said, even though it was probably just in my head. I was just about to go downstairs and leave but then I heard the beautiful sound of my moms laughter fill the air. I ran upstairs and went into her room. I seen her. I seen my mom. Sitting on her bed.

"Mom!!!" I screamed with tears of happiness rolling down my cheeks.

"Sweetie you have never been so happy to see me" My mom said while laughing.

"Oh trust me I will always be happy to see you, I thought you were dead?!?" I said, I ran up to her to hug her but I went straight through her and landed on the bed. She was gone? No no no! Why? I bursted out in tears knowing the fact my mom could never come back. I tried to ask Amanda for help but she couldn't because she could only bring back supernaturals. After a few minutes of crying I decided to go. I didn't need any questions at the moment so before I walked into Scott's house I wiped my tears away and waited for my eyes to clear up. I went inside and we got dressed.

Elena's POV

Me and Stefan has been on so many dates. I think I'm in love with him 😍😍


"So where are we going?" I asked while me and Stefan are in the car

"You will see" Stefan said with a smile.

He stopped the car and we were in front of this huge mountain.

"Why are we by a mountain?" I asked laughing

"For a adventure!" Stefan winked at me.

I was just about to use my vampire speed to go up the mountain, but Stefan grabbed onto my arm.

"No cheating" He stated

"It's not cheating, it's life" I said

We climbed up the mountain together. I almost fell a couple of times but the love of my life caught me, we kissed, it was heaven.

~end of flashback~

I was still in the bed with Stefan so I snuggled myself in Stefan's arms,he was beyond hot and I love him and he was still sleeping,I notice my black dress hanging on my desk chair.

Stefan was coming with me if it was okay with Allison. I remember when Klaus slaughtered my family..I shivered.

"Are you alright?"asked Stefan

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