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Meep! So excited to start writing mah first book! I have always had this idea for a Pokèmon, or Eeveelution, story. I found that maybe if I were able to make the Eeveelution, Sylveon, into the main character in a difficult school for her, it would make for an interesting story! Okay, enough rambling. 😚 Enjoy Da Story 😚

Hi, stupid morning-time sunshine. Darn it, I don't want to go to school today. Guess I have to, since it's the first day of Moonlight Middle School. Yay.

I groaned, got up, and went to my tiny (excuse for a closet) closet. I grabbed the first things I saw: a pink long sleeve shirt, some ripped jeans, light blue knee high socks, and white shoes.

Maybe not the BEST outfit ever, but knowing me, I was gonna be late for school no matter what. Oh yay, it's already 8:03. 27 minutes till the bell rings.

I decided to make a nice first impression on the teachers and be very early. Or try to be.

Here's my Supply List For School:
¤Headphones - For that boring lesson you don't actually care about.. at all.
¤Sketch Book - Just because we all get bored. Right?
¤School Crap I'm Forced To Bring
¤A Folded Piece Of Cardboard - No teacher needs to see you're reading or watching YouTube during class.

Got everything.
Time to head to class!


I did it. Yeeee. I wrote a chapter of a book at 1:30 A.M. If you're actually reading this, expect new chapters twice a week. Maybe more, since I'm going to the beach soon. But maybe once a week, since a procrastonate. A lot. Yikes my pinkie finger fell asleep. That's mah que to end dis little bottom part of the story where I ramble. BTW ignore grammer, spelling, or puncuation errors. If you cant stand stuff like that, stop reading. >:(


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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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♡ A Sylveon Story ♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz