Night wisphers

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Chapter One

  It was sunset when Saphire flew from tree to tree and then she found her favorite tree and sat to hunt the wolf's.

"Just like always." sighed Saphire

  She had always came since she was a little girl. It was a invisable tree house that when you would turn invisable, it was very fancy.It   had every thing you could imagine and more (it was very easy to get in and out of).

  When she got in she heard these weird voices that she had heard before but she didn't know when she had heard them before. She suddenly had these flash backs and everything begain to spin she felt tinggaly inside. Then she fell to the ground. Her eyelids grew weary, her eyes had been filled with darkness. She could still her the vioces though they became louder and then she was knocked out by the darkness.

  When she was asleep she saw these people that she had never saw before and they were holding when she was a baby. They were was a wolf and a vampire ( the wolf was in human form). They had the biggest smiles on their faces while they were swaying back and fortieth. Then they put me in a crib and the door busted open. These people ran in and took me. They held up a gun and shot, out came a silver bullet to the lady and a wooden steak to the man.

  Then when she woke up the whispers were gone but there was this strange box in front of my face. It wasn't huge but it wasn't to small it was medium sized box. She opened it and it had a bunch  of old papers that had this strange written on but I could under stand, because she spoke German.

   It said "What you seek is not a treat so go ti the window with one golden hatch and try to find the match." She went to the wind and found the match but with that match was another note that read " your disire is higher then you can jump go upstairs and find the bump."

  When she got to the bump she took it out and it was a key. With a note it said "what you can't seek is behind a book with a creek. So she ran to the library and grabbed the book with a creek and the bookshelf moved. When she saw the wall she read the German writing and the wall moved. She found a jeweled box.

sorry I am a cliff hanger right now but it will be in the next chapter and your probably think this is mainly a were wolf story but just wait. Please vote. Sorry for any improper grammer or spelling.

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