Pisces lost in boys.

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Pisces P.O.V
Pisces was skipping around, when she bumped into someone and the bother fell down.
"Oh! I'm sor-" Pisces said getting up and brushing herself off. She looked to the person who she bumped into and gasped.
"I'm so sorry!"
Master Virgo got up and glared at her
"Watch where your going. You could get seriously hurt."
"Okay.." Pisces said looking curious. Master Virgo just got up, brushed himself off, and walked off. Pisces looked back. Since when did he ever cared when she got hurt?! She just sighed and continued to walk the other way. Cancer and Aries needed help with something. Scorpio was out gardening, so he was no use. Pisces opened the door to see a huge fire in the room
"AIRES?! CANCER?!" I shouted looking at them scared the both shrugged their shoulders but cancer had a fearful expression on his face. Pisces put her hand out to grab the boy's hand so she could get them out of the room. Suddenly, water appeared and put the fire out. When the water was done, it dropped to the floor and made a huge puddle. Cancer and Aries ran to me, picked me up, and hugged me.
"How did you do it?!" Aries and cancer asked me when they stopped hugging me
"I don't know..." Scorpio came running in.
"Master Virgo wants us. Everyone of us."

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