While driving on the salt flats, Vert Wheeler, leader of the Battle force 5, finds Sam, and decides to recruit him into the team.
What will happen to Sam? Will he be a permanent member? Or will vert decide to boot Sam? Read to find out!
One day, as vert wheeler was driving on the salt flats, he noticed a boy, passed out on the ground.
Vert's POV
Vert: hey you ok? Wake up! ???:huh?-groans- what happened.... Vert: BF5, meet up at the hub, I found some one passed out! Stanford: on our way vert!
Sage's POV
"What are we going to do vert?" Stanford asked annoyed. "I don't know Stanford, but for now, let him rest." Vert said calmly. "Vert, may I speak with you?" I asked. "What is it?" Vert asked calmly. "I have scanned this boys brain, and I found that he may be an asset to the team." I informed vert. "Well, when he wakes up, I'll talk to him about that." Vert assured me.
???'s POV
"Hey wake up!" Vert tapped my shoulder "Wh.what happened....." I groaned softly. "What's your name?" Vert asked. "Sam......Sam Swinger" I said quietly. "Swinger? As in the Swinger SlingShot?!" Vert asked, surprised. He was meeting another famous racer. "Yeah......who are you?" I asked politely. "I'm vert wheeler. And these are my friends." Vert said assuringly. Agura was the one in the green. she was the hunter of the team. Zoom was the one in the yellow. He was the scout and vert's wingman. Stanford was the one in purple. He was the teams artillery and sound expert. Sherman and Spinner were the ones in blue. They were the tech support for the team. Sage was the creator of the Battle Force 5 vehicles and one of the Battle force 5's main friends. She was also being hunted by the vandals when vert saved her. What I didn't know, was Vert had a surprise for me.
Zoom's POV
"Hey how would you feel being our newest member on our team?" Vert asked. "Well, all I know is, that you guys are some sort of team. But what do you do?" Sam asked, wondering what he was getting himself into. "Well, basically we kick alien butt." I said chuckling. "Heh...I always dreamed I would get to go to different planets!" Sam said laughing. "Just as long as your up for the job, mate!" Stanford said. "But first you need a suit." Said Spinner informing Sam. "And a car." Said Agura, pointing to the empty hub car space. "It will look like the saber, but have some different features." Said Vert ideally. "Cool.....what else does this job come with?" Sam asked. "Pizza and racing basically." I said happily. "So you in?" Vert asked, putting his hand on Sams shoulder. "You bet!" Sam said, proudly.
Sam's POV
Sage started building my vehicle while she made my suit. "Man, this is going by so fast....." ithought in my mind. My suit was silver with a touch of gold and the vehicle looked like this.
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It looked so epic. Just then, sage sounded the storm shock alarm. "Battle force 5, storm shock incoming!" Sage said loudly over the speakers "Ok it's me, Sam, zoom, agura and stanford! Ok BF5, get ready to crash and bash!" Vert announced. I couldn't believe it! My first mission! I was so excited, I couldn't even drive straight, I kept bumping into Stanford. "Oy, watch the road! Of all people you hit, you hit me? I'm royalty! I'm-" Stanford started ranting. Before he finished, I nodded at the tangler to hit Stanford. "Ay! Oh come on!" Stanford complained. As we entered the stormshock, my tires glowed red and we flew up into the storm shock. "Oh I forgot to ask Sam, what is the name of your vehicle?" Sage asked through the comm. "The Striker Mobile!" I said proudly. "Good name! Alright, BF5, ITS STORM RIDING TIME!" Vert exclaimed. "WOOHOOO!" I shouted happily, not noticing that I was about to hit the chopper. "Woah!" I swerved away from zoom, and smacked into the reverb. "Aw come on!" Stanford complained. "Heh, sorry Stanford." I apologized When we entered the Battle zone, vert warned me to be careful, but right as he said that, I managed to get the striker mobile stuck in a dirt mound(some how I did, I have no clue.) "Well. That worked....." I facepalmed. The tangler towed me out of the mound and I found the Battle key in the mound. We took it back to the hub. "How was it that quick?!" I asked "I don't know, I guess your car has a sensitive nose." Zoom said, chuckling. "Ah well. Good night everyone!" I said tiredly. "Night!" Everyone said