The Littlest Wizard

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I have this nephew. He's about seven and he's a bit... Weird, so to speak. Now, we all had crazy, strange, unrealistic dreams of want we want to do when we get older. Things like: an astronaut, a princess/prince, prime minister etcetera. My nephew's got this especially weird dream. See, when he grows up, he wants to be a wizard.

Now, on it's own it seems like I'm just blowing this out of proportions. After all, we've all had crazy, strange, unrealistic dreams of what we wanted to be when we grow up. But here's the thing, he still hasn't grown out of it. I'm not asking him to figure what he wants to do with his life when still in primary school, but I will ask him to be realistic here.

Seriously, he's even got this little book of magic that he carries around everywhere. Well it's not really a magic book, it's more a folded piece of A4 paper with the words 'BIG BOOCK OF MAGIK' in thick, red crayon on one side. Inside is full of spells that he's come up with over time. One of them is a spell that my nephew conceived that makes people fly. A word of warning, don't try this at home.

Sometimes he pulls us into the living room and shows us whatever thing to do with magic he's thought up. One time he presented us with this special recipe that he says tastes better than anything cooked before. He called it mud pie. I wouldn't recommend it.

I suppose he's always been into this sort of stuff. When he was five, he climbed up a swing wearing a cape (it was a blanket tied around his neck) and jumped off believing he could fly. It went about as well as you'd expect (luckily he only came out with a few bruises). But that never stopped him. When my nephew turned six we took him to the beach. He wanted to build, and I quote "The biggest sandcastle that ever existed. From here I will rule over the puny mortals that dwell on this planet. Slaves, go gather the tools for our endeavour." I can't provide any explainations as to why he said any of this. I think he went through a villain phase. But anyways, I think we spent pretty much the entire day building up a castle to my nephew's standards. At least until the tide came up. Then we were forced to watch our work sink below the tide.

Today, my nephew showed me a new spell he'd come up with. I wondered what it could be. Maybe it was a spell to ward off auntie's kisses? Perhaps, he has discovered the secret to Nanny's super special cookies?

But, here's the thing, this was different from the others. Something unrelated to all the other previous antics my nephew had got up to. See, all the others had always been done with the idea of 'ridiculous' or 'fun' behind them.

Today, my nephew showed me a very strange spell. It was a spell that makes people smile. I think my nephew's a wizard, because I smiled pretty big.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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