maki x male reader (solider game

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(Names pov)

Maki asked me to drop by her house later to day something about showing me something

"(Name) you get to go to makis house why" rin said

"She wants to show me something"

"I wonder what it could nya" sarcastic voice (rins mind=her p___y you get it)

"S..shut up rin"blush on my face

"Oh (names) embarrassed how cute"


"Rin be a little nicer to (name) ok" hanayo said

"Ok kayo-chin"


I was walking to makis house I knocked on the door makis mom let me in

"Welcome (name) maki told me a lot about you"

"It's nice to meet you is maki home?"

"She is she is in her room you can go on"

I walked my way to makis room

"Hey maki I'm here"

"G..get out (name) I'm changing"

Hit in the face with a shoe "she could've gave me a warning"

"You can come in now (name)"

"Sorry for hitting you with a shoe (name)"

"Its ok maki" I said smiling making maki blush

"Nice outfit maki looks cute on you" (solider girl outfit you know from the pic)

"Thanks (name) but with this body and beauty nothing won't look good on me"

"Where did you get it maki"

"Kotori made it for me I find military fashion to be super cute"

" I like to ask you something (name)

"What is it maki"

"I know we are a litter too old for this but can we play soldiers for a bit" maki said blushing crazy

"Sure let's play" maki was the Americans and I was the Soviets

"Got you (name)"

"You sure did maki nice job"

"Since I won you have to buy me something"

"I don't got lot of money"

"It's ok lets go get icecream (name)"

"Sure maki"

We went to get icecream maki dropped hers so I gave her mine

"Thanks (name)"

"No problem maki anything for you"

"Well how about we go to the arcade (name)"

"Sure maki"

We went to the arcade maki beat me at everything but not Jurassic park game

"Yes I finally won"

"And for your reward here"

She put her lips on mine I was taking back but I kissed back

We separated for air after about a few minutes

"M..maki why did you kiss me"

"Because I..I..I love you (name)"


"Yeah but you probably don't feel the same way" she said forming tears in her eyes

I kissed her I wrapped my arms around her waist to bring her closer to me, she kissed back

We separated

"Maki I do love you why do you think I always want to hang out with you"

"(Name)... I love you too" she said jumping to me crying

"Maki why are you crying"

"Tears of joy because I can be with you forever" she rested her head on my"

"Date tomorrow (name)"

"Of course maki"

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