chapter two

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Aria watched the box drop for only as long as it took for her brain to realize what was happening. With all of her strength, Aria leapt forward, the box grazed her arm and shattered as it hit the ground. Splinters of wood sprayed everywhere and cut at her arms and legs. Aria stood, turning to face the obstacles before her. Directly in front of her was a staircase, to high for her to see above it. She stepped forward; placing her foot onto the first step, jolts of electricity ran up her leg and spine. Aria stumbled backwards, pain lancing through her body, as she landed hard among the wreckage of the crate. Taking a deep breath to steady her, Aria rose, looking about for another way up. Her eyes settled on the crate that had nearly pancaked, only moments before.  Aria snatched up the two largest boards from the debris and turned back to the stairs. She placed a board on the first step and the other on the second. Gingerly, Aria placed her foot on the step; this time however, there was no shock. Aria climbed the stairs, alternating boards every other stair. At the top, there were several feet of walkway before it dropped off and resumed three feet away. A mechanical arm swung rhythmically back and forth before the chasm; requiring precise timing to pass.  Aria backed up as far as she could go, then ran. At the edge of the walkway Aria leapt, she had nearly covered the gap when the pendulum swung back, clipping her heel, sending her spinning. Aria hit the edge and clung to it, not daring to look down. Her fingers began to slip and Aria dug her nails into the hard, white floor. With a final burst of strength, Aria pulled herself up. On the wall before her stood a blue force field, identical to the one she had entered through. Cautiously, Aria stepped through, into a blank empty hall.

            “Congratulations, 1590, you have set the record longest time for this test!” MAL announced. 

Aria took several moments to realize the implications of MAL’s statement.

            “There have been others?” she asked.

            “Well, of course, one thousand five hundred eighty nine others.”

Aria was unsure whether she should be relieved that she was not alone, or horrified that over a thousand people had also gone through this. So Aria felt both.

Aria leaned against the wall, breathing heavily and massaging her bruised ankle.

            “Has anyone ever escaped?” Aria asked, partly to take her mind off the pain and partly out of curiosity.

            “Negative, 1590,” MAL intoned.

A worm of doubt worked its way into her mind.

            “Has anyone died?” Aria demanded, “How many?”

            MAL laughed, “There have been one thousand, five hundred eighty eight deaths.”

Aria’s heart sunk even lower, only one had ever lived… Wait! One had lived, these tests could be completed! Aria surged to her feet, walking confidently down the hallway until she reached the next blue force field. Preparing herself for anything, Aria stepped through the field. Despite all Aria’s preparation, she had not prepared herself for this, Aria stood in a jungle, trees pressed in around her. A loud crack ran rang out to her right, Aria turned, scanning the brush. There! A giant boar rushed toward her, murder in it’s eyes. Aria drew the knife from her belt and backed up against a tree. The boar charged toward her, then, without warning, collapsed with a wooden spear sprouting from its side.  A man emerged from behind a tree.

            “Are you okay?” He asked, examining her for wounds.

            Aria shifted away nervously, “I’m fine, thanks. Who are you?” she asked.

            The man extended his hand toward her, “I’m Jake, Who’re you?”

Something was wrong; Aria could feel it, but what? Nothing seemed odd about Jake, other than the fact that he was just wondering alone through the forest.

Aria shook Jake’s hand, “Aria” 

She looked with disgust at the dead boar; it looked out of place on the dry ground. Dry, why was the ground dry, it should be soaked with blood. Aria’s eyes locked with Jake’s, he clutched her hand with an iron grip. Aria adjusted her grip on the knife as the boar on the ground disappeared. Of course it couldn’t be that easy, Aria thought, of course.  

Their hands were clasped together, Aria tried to pull away but Jake grasped her hand ever more tightly, crushing her fingers. In desperation, Aria flailed about with the knife. The blade connected with Jake’s forearm, creating a huge gash, but no blood came out. Aria tore her arm free and ran, crashing through the forest blindly and she did not see the large branch directly in her path and collided with it. Aria forced herself up but too late, Jake caught her, pinning her to a tree. His hands closed in about her throat, cutting off her air. Knowing that it would haunt her later, Aria drove the knife into Jake’s stomach. Jake did not move, he simply disappeared, as the boar had earlier. Aria was free, so she ran again, watching for branches and roots this time. Then it was before her, the blue force field. She jumped through it, relieved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2012 ⏰

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