10:00 am

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                    10:00 am
Youngjae's eyes fluttered open.

"Ugh.." he whispered, sitting up. His clothes were damp, and Jaebum was sleeping next to him. Youngjae didnt want to wake him, so he got up and tiptoed inside.

Jackson was laying on the couch watching TV. "Good morning!" he said.

"Good morning. Is everyone else gone?" Youngjae asked through a yawn.

"Not everyone. Kunpimook and Yugyeom left, though. Mark and Jinyoung made some coffee if you want any." Jackson told him, curling up on the couch again. "In the meantime, I'm going back to sleep."

Youngjae opened the door to the kitchen, where he was greeted with the smell of coffee. Jinyoung and Mark sat at the table talking.

"Morning, Youngjae." Mark said.

"Good morning." Youngjae responded, pouring himself some coffee.

The door opened again, and Jaebum stood there, looking like he didn't even know where he was.

"I just came in to say bye, if I don't leave soon I'm gonna be late for work. I'll text you later, Youngjae." Jaebum said.

"Okay. Have fun at work." Youngjae said. Jaebum sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Doubt it. But thanks."

He said a quick goodbye to Mark and Jinyoung.

"So... is that like.. a thing?" Mark asked.

"No!! We're just friends." Youngjae snapped back, blushing.

"Just friends.. whatever!" Jinyoung said.

Youngjae rolled his eyes. "I should probably go now. I have to start working on a project for class." he said, finishing his coffee.

"Alright. Talk to you later." Mark said. Youngjae said goodbye to everyone and went home.

                           1:08 pm

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jbmtjr.jsyjbbyk: an amazing
birthday ❤️ thank you for all the bday wishes, and shoutout to jinyoung for making Coco cupcakes :)

yu_gyeom: i cant believe you ate coco 😩😩😤💔💔
mark_tuan: jdkdksnd ^^ wildt
jbmtjr.jsyjbbyk: @yu_gyeom i'll give u $10 to shut up
yu_gyeom: deal

                    4:15 pm
defjeffb: ughhhh i feel so sick :( i had to leave work early
jbmtjr.jsyjbbyk: aw :( what's wrong?
defjeffb: i feel so nauseous, and my head hurts.
jbmtjr.jsyjbbyk: go to bed! have you gotten enough sleep lately?
defjeffb: yes. it might just be the alcohol. i dont know, though.
jbmtjr.jsyjbbyk: sleep. if you try to talk to me, im not gonna respond.
defjeffb: ok mom 🙄
defjeffb: do u want me to clean my room too
defjeffb: do the dishes?
defjeffb: damn u were serious
defjeffb: im gonna sleep now.
                     4:30 pm
defjeffb: jinyoungggg
pepi_jr: here for dating advice?
defjeffb: ...what?
pepi_jr: sorry wrong person
defjeffb: uh
defjeffb: anyways!
defjeffb: wait fuck
defjeffb: im actually here for advice,,,
pepi_jr: well you've come to the right place! i am the love doctor
defjeffb: you know youngjae well. what does he like to do?
pepi_jr: idk if u two could bond over this, but that kid loves music. seriously. his life revolves around it. thats what he studies. he's constantly writing songs, the whole lot.
defjeffb: hm..
pepi_jr: and he likes animals. and eating. you know. the norm.
defjeffb: okay thanks. i need to go now. i think i might be sick
pepi_jr: feel better fam
                     6:07 am
defjeffb: dear god my sleep schedule is gonna be SO BAD NOW
jbmtjr.jsyjbbyk: do you feel better?
defjeffb: yes, thank god.
jbmtjr.jsyjbbyk: good! do you work today?
defjeffb: yes, sadly.
jbmtjr.jsyjbbyk: i have to go back to my classes today. im not really looking forward to it, idk why
defjeffb: but you're studying something you love!
jbmtjr.jsyjbbyk: i know, thats why i should be excited!
defjeffb: youngjae
defjeffb: are you busy saturday?
jbmtjr.jsyjbbyk: no, why?
defjeffb: i dont want to invite myself over, but i was wondering if i could stop by.. maybe we could record something..?
jbmtjr.jsyjbbyk: record something? like a song?
defjeffb: yes.. i heard you write songs? i stopped recording music a long time ago but i haven't stopped writing..
defjeffb: i wanna write something with you
jbmtjr.jsyjbbyk: jaebum, are you asking me out
defjeffb: maybe i am? its whatever you want it to be.
jbmtjr.jsyjbbyk: sounds like a plan.

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