OK, let's quickly clear some things up. My name is pronounced "Basil" with a with an "r" smack-dab in between the "B" and the "a". Yeah, okay, go ahead and say it out loud now.
It's an Irish name, so don't be confused. I come from a long line of leprechauns, and I guess I ought to clear that up as well. Leprechauns are just your regular mythical creatures, magical, fascinating, handsome. (I'm more gifted in that last category then most, though) And like regular mythical creatures, we are better then you humans. But I'm not here to brag. I'm here to tell a story.
Now, on your 166th birthday, every young leprechaun is given a chance to go to a special school to learn the ways of guarding gold. Now, I'm 188, so I have finished school and now I get to get a pot of gold and told to guard it. But honestly, it would have been easy if it weren't for her.
The Secret Guild of the Gold Guarding Leprechauns
HumorBrasil is a leprechaun, and Rhett is a human girl. But some how, miraculously, Rhett gets the gold, and the guy too.