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It was dark, the road was icy. I was speeding and then... he came out of no where, I skid and the car flipped over and into the water. My seat belt was stuck and I was losing air. Next thing I know I'm being pulled out of the water by the boy, the one I almost killed. He was peculiar. A mystery, a beautiful one too. His hair was a blondish white, and his skin glowed in the moon light. His hands were cold. His eyes had depth. He was pale with a slight blush. He looked at me and me to him.

Something was wrong, he cupped my face and said "I'm so sorry, I was late, I couldn't save you." I didn't understand what he was saying...till I looked to my side and saw my body, it was frozen cold and blood poured out of stomach and mouth. As my realization continued, my hands became red and then purple, green, then blue. The boy was startled, and then said " That's impossible! You're kind is supposed to be extinct."

"My kind? Wait, better yet what is going on? Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Min Yoongi, and I don't know to be completely honest. But, I know your a Solitary witch... your kind was wiped out a long time ago. Or was suppose to be, you are the last one." He said.

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