Not Scared

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(((( This is a fanfic for my friend on dA (garfieldbookworm)! This cool dude makes a comic called How To Be a Human Being, and holy heck.. it's awesome. You should go read it, seriously... Anyway, Lucky, Owen, and the image at the top belong to them. ))))

A gigantic boom of thunder reverberated across the sky, causing the walls of the house to shake. The roof seemed to creak under the pressure of the rain crashing from the dark clouds above. The intense flashes of lightning lit up the heavens. It had to signify the end of all times... or at least it seemed like it to the poor figure shivering on the couch.

Unfortunately for him, the sofa didn't offer the security he needed, and each lightning bolt made him yelp. He wanted to get up and find Owen... he had to be protected... right? Although Luciano wouldn't admit it, maybe it was he himself who needed the protection.

A gigantic bolt of electricity shot through the sky, sending Lucky reeling off the couch and into a frantic sprint for Owen's room. He was flailing so wildly that he kept smacking into things, sending lamps, picture frames, and vases crashing to the floor behind him. As soon as Lucky reached the bedroom, he crawled under the bed, whimpering as an explosion of thunder followed the lightning. He huddled against the wall, closing his eyes and trying to shield his ears from the scary sounds outside.


Owen was really trying to ignore the sounds coming from the living room. He knew it was storming outside. He knew who was making those frightened sounds. He was just choosing to pretend he didn't. But finally, it was a bit hard to ignore. Especially with all the smashing noises suddenly coming from the other side of the house.

He sighed, rolling his eyes dramatically. Apparently he wouldn't be able to stay out of this one. He stretched his muscles out, yawning hugely, before strolling casually to the scene of the crime. Owen followed the trail of wreckage that led to his room, making annoyed comments to himself about the mess he was going to have to clean up later.

He reached his bedroom, which was where the disaster ended. He assumed the source of it all was under his bed, judging by the pitiful noises coming from underneath.

"Um...Lucky..? Are you okay?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm... I'm not s-scared.." came a timid voice from under the bed.

Owen sighed. "I never said you were.."

"..Well... I'm not.."

"Then come out of there... it's probably filled with dust and cobwebs."

"..I... I can't.."

"Why not?"

There was a long pause.

"Okay, fine... I'm.. scared."

There it was. Of course he was scared. But he must be really scared to actually admit it.

"Do you want me to crawl in there with you?" Owen asked, even though he didn't particularly want to.

Another pause. And then a hesitant "yes."

Great... he had better be thankful for this. There was no way he'd climb under that disgusting bed for anybody else. Taking a deep breath, he crawled under, and was instantly met with huge glowing eyes.

Lucky looked so terrified that Owen almost felt sorry for him.


"Hey, man..."

There was no response. His lip seemed to be shivering, but it was hard to tell in the dark.

"What's the problem?"

"I-It... it's so.. loud and flashy... I don't like it.."

"Hey, everyone's scared of thunderstorms at some point in their life. It's okay."

"But... you're not scared.. How did you stop caring..?" Lucky's voice was small and shaky, as though if he spoke any louder, the lightning could find him.

"Well..." Owen had trouble answering that. Some of it was just hard to think about. He fell silent, not sure how to continue.

"Well?" the demon's persistent gaze stared him down.

"What, do you want me to tell you a story or--?"

"Could you?"


"Could you tell me a story?" Lucky repeated, dead serious.

Owen blinked. He couldn't believe this. First he had climbed under the filthy bed, and now he wanted to hear a story? I hope he doesn't tell anybody about this... he thought moodily.

"What do you want me to tell you a story about?" he asked, sounding rather tired.

Lucky was quiet for awhile before finally responding. "What is a... 'princess'?"

"A princess? Well... that's usually a pretty girl who is the daughter of a king or queen. In other words, royalty. Princess stories are all about.. you know, love and romance, fighting... stuff like that."

Lucky settled down, his chin in his hands, looking very interested. Well... there was no turning back now. Owen got into a semi-comfy position, preparing to probably tell stories all night. But maybe... just maybe... it wouldn't be so horrible after all.

"You ever heard of... Cinderella?" 

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