Chapter 6: Surprise

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 Natalie did not move,she sat perfectly still. A natural while of waiting and impatience,her parents finally walked in. She stood happy to go,but she noticed her parents' expressions. Even her father,had a strange sadden look on his face. Her confusion grew but she said no words and followed them to their car. On the way there she thought that she was going back home so she was starting to drift off. 

 Strangely she heard a dark voice speaking in her dream. It almost sounded like herself echoing into eternal darkness. "Your time is up." She shot awake beads of sweat were rolling down her face. She wasn't home,she wasn't in the car,she was in a bed,a white bed in a white room. She looked to her side,seeing that she was hooked to a heart monitor. She went to get up,but suddenly realized,she was bounded down. 

 She panicked she tried to struggle but paused,hear a door to her left open. A man on a white shirt looked at her,his hands behind his back. "You must be very confused right now,I can imagine but I'm letting you you know,we're only here to help. Your parents agreed to sign a contract to give you some mental drugs to hopefully help your state of mind." She opened her mouth to protest but was quickly silenced. "You'll be back to normal in no time. Just try to relax." He walked over. She tried to move away but couldn't due to the bonds around her wrist and legs. He carefully took a mask and put it over her mouth and nose. She tried to shake it off but felt herself starting to slip under the drugs and her eyes slowly shut. 

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