Lucypov. 'Well then now care to tell me why are you here sting?' I asked which made him scared cause I had a dark aura behind me and stepped forward.
'U-U-Um I was just stalking rouge I didn't know he was going to your house but my question still why aren't you with them' sting replied scared but then turned bold at the end. 'I don't want to tell you and since your her anyway come on in and rouge I have something to ask you' I said as we went inside. 3rd pov. As Lucy sting and rouge went inside froshe was in Lucy's house looking for rouge and Lucy. Froshe'spov. (sp?)
'Froshe wants to know if lu-san and ryo back' fro said as feo went to the living room to see ryo,sting,and lu-san talking. 'Oh hi froshe how was your nap?' Lu-san asked which made me happy every since fro found out about her eye fro thinks lu-san is like a mother.
'Fro wants to know why is sting-an is at lu-sans house' fro asked as fro saw lu-san pick fro up and carried fro to the others and sat fro and lu-sans lap like a mother.
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'M-M-Mommy' fro said unconsciously which made the tree adults shocked and two of the blush but one stopped when she suddenly notice fro's words' OK froshe you can sleep on my lap' lu-sansaid as she pet fro's fur and suddenly fro was consumed in darkness.
3rd pov. As froshe was asleep the three 'adults were talking among themselves 'hey rouge about the thing I was aboutr to ask you about was about your guild' Lucy said as she looked straight into his eyes making a mind scape making them on the outsid freeze their bodies.
'Rouge can I join your guild' chibi Lucy said as she only shows this side to rouge and only him which made him grunt ' its not my decision its stigs since he's the new guild master' rouge said trying to not fave a chibi Lucy and her puppy eyes.
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'But youdo the guilds paperwork so I'm asking you and also don't you want me in your guild so we don't have to meet at my house each time I go on a mission in trash tail' Lucy said as she still kept her puppy eyes on rouge.
'*sighs* OK just ask sting about you joining OK' rouge said as he was defeated by Lucy's puppy eyes again as Lucy does a victory dance.
'Whatthehellhappenedto them,that stupidfairybetterhavenotkilledmybrother'I thought as kept punching the damn ice hat froze ovee rouge.
5 minuteslater
'WHY WONT THE DAMN ICE BREAK ALREADY!!' I yelled as froshe jumped out of the blondes lao and started to hiss (orribbitIdon'tknowifsheisactuallyacatorafrog) at me ' fro wants to know what are you doing to okaa-san' froshe yelled which made me stop in my tracks 'THEIRMARRIED!' I yelled which broke the ice and froshe leaped over in Blondie's lap crying 'shh shh its OK frosh what's the matter' blondie said completely forgetting that I'm here.
"HEY BLONDIE WHY'D YOU PUT ROUGE IN AN ICEBERG HUH' I yelled as I picked up her collar but to shocked to me she twisted my wrists and glared at me dangerously still holding froshe though:-P .
'DON'TYOUEVERYELLATMENORFROGOTIT'she said which sended divers down my spin. 'Also what are you talking about rouge is behind d the couch hiding from me' Blondie said putting and evil look on her face which I only saw Rufus and Minerva do when their doing pranks which,I joined of course.
I made my smirk with an evil look her way as of swing I was in of this plan. 'hey froshe do you want to take a shower with me ' Blondie said smirking my way telling me to continue her sentence ' hey Blondie can I join ya to that invitation I yelled making sure rouge heard me which he did since I heard a grunt and sensing that he was angry.
'Sure you can rouge do you want to join with us to this pool party' Blondie said going up behind the couch and I went in front of the couch with a camera at hand and ready for his face reaction and waited for Blondie's signal.
Lucypov. When I went behind the couch I looked at rouge with a playful smile and kissed his cheeks and snapped my finger signaling sting to go behind the couch and token a picture of a blushing rouge. 'Hahahahahah good j-job sting' I said as I high river him and fro as he was the one to get the camera 'good job my little neko' I said as I kissed froshe on the cheeks 'OK time to go to bed sting I'll run if I was you cause you still have the picture and rouge is mad' I said as I went upstairs to see my egg still didn't hatch 'whenareyougoingtohatchmylittleokami'I thought as I tucked in froshe got in the shower singing a song.
' man it feels like I haven't been eating music notes anymore' I said as I got it of the shower and put on my night gown walking towards my bed but not after cutting a memory erasing magic making me not remember bad memories only for 12 hours which is all I need and went to sleep.
?????pov. 'I'llshowyouhowtoloveLucyI'llshowyoujustby you loving meandmelovingyou, soLucyI'llshowyouhowIloveyoujustbystandingbesidesyou. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~