Chapter 1: The Job Search

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Leo: "Before this story starts, I just letting you know I'm going in dry-"

Aiden: "That's what she said!"

Leo: "Damn it, Aiden! Really?"

Aiden: "What? You got to admit that was funny!"

Leo: *sigh*

Leo pulls out an Author Ball and returns Aiden.

Leo: "As I was saying, I'm going in dry-"

Layla: "You know it's your favorite!"

Leo blushed a crimson red.

Layla: "You know what else is your favorite? Having a-"

Leo: "Darth! I need your help!"

Darth Leo walks into the room.

Darth: "Yeah. What's up?"

Leo: *points at Layla*

Darth gives Leo a knowing smirk.

Darth: "Come here you sexy ball of fluff! Let's go for a walk!"

Layla: *squeals* :D

Leo tosses Darth Aiden's Author Ball.

Darth nods with a smile.

Leo: "Let's just say I'm not a FNAF geek. I'm not going to attempt to use theories, at least not yet. I have been reading other FNAF fanfictions as research. Without further ado, here is my fanfiction!"


Play the music above.
Shatter Me by Lindsey Stirling


That day has finally come. The day for me to get a job.

I'm Alex. I'm a 22 year old college student... or at least I was before I lost my financial aid because of my grades. It wasn't because I wasn't smart, it was because I always skipped classes. I can't say it was the smartest thing I've done.

Anyways, I'm getting off track.

As a Spanish guy. I had trouble finding work. I was much more suited to hitting keyboard keys than I was hitting nails.

I decided to look online and found a post that caught my eye.

Night guard wanted. $10/hr. Apply by calling 394 - 5214.

"Cool! I can do that!" I said out loud.

I immediately pulled out my cell phone and immediately realized the post didn't give the phone number's area code, but noticed it was local.

I had forgotten that you didn't need to enter the area code if your cell phone was in the same area as the business.

I dialed the number and it began to ring.



Foxy 1.02 operating system


Foxy> Execute autoexe.bat

Running systems check...

Testing visual sensors...

Visual sensors... OK...

Testing auditory sensors...

Auditory sensors... OK...

Testing speech device...

Error: Speech device damaged.
Please consider replacing.

Continue start up test? (Y/N)

Foxy> Y

Testing touch sensors...

Touch sensors... OK...

New hardware detected...

Bluetooth hardware installed...

Foxy> Execute wakeup.exe


Why am I even alive?

Do I even have a purpose anymore?

Why doesn't anyone love me anymore?

Am I really that ugly?

I need someone to make me feel alive again.

I know this is a short chapter, but I wanted to introduce some of the characters first. I didn't want to rush the story and make it worse by cramming too many details in a chapter.

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