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(A/N): I realized this SUCKS so I'm making a new version and deleting the other chapters. Yeh.

Ross walked with his cousin, Shelby, carrying a wounded chicken. "The poor thing. How'd he get his leg stuck in the fence?" Shelby asked, her tuscan red hair held in a braid. She was visiting their farm for the weekend, and Ross was grateful. Shelby helped with the chores and was a god in the kitchen. "I don't know. Pa might have to chop his leg off if it's to bad. And if he does..." Ross looked down sympatheticly at the chicken. "This little guy might be what you're prepping up in the kitchen."

Shelby grimaced. "I prefer not to see what I'm cooking before it's dead." She wrinkled her nose up, which Ross found funny. "Well, he might be fine. We can just bandage him up if it's not too bad." Ross offered, and Shelby just shuddered. "'re the medic of the family. You can deal with the blood and butchering." Ross laughed. "I fix him up. Pa does the head chopping." Shelby laughed, a sweet sound that made all the boys in their schoolhouse trip over themselves to try to find their way to her heart. With her pretty, cascading red hair, bright personality, shining chocolate eyes, and a soft, sweet voice, who wouldn't. Ross didn't like them. Shelby was like an older sister to him, he hated the idea of another boy taking her away. But it was inevitable. Even if as she didn't find herself with one of them, rumors were spreading the High Priest was eyeing her as a possible suitor for his son. Especially since Shelby's side of the family wasn't exactly living on the poor side of things, like Ross's does. If he decided that he wanted her to wed his kid, Ross would most likely never see her again. The thought sickened him. Shelby was his only friend. They reached the house, and Shelby smiled weakly at him. "I'm going to wait out here while you fix that fella up." She informed Ross. Ross sighed and nodded, laying the injured chicken carefully on the table. He clucked frantically. "Don't worry." Ross whispered. "I'm not planning on hurting you." He examined his leg. A long slash from the wire was still bleeding. "Ouch." Ross whispered, pulling out bandages and medicines. It was bad, but fixable. Ross smiled. "I'll fix you up." He said, and set to work.

Meanwhile, Shelby had taken to wandering around in the crop field. She bent down and examined a wilting rose, gently handling a petal. "Poor thing." Shelby sighed. She hated violence. It reminded her that her aunt, Ross's mother, was a victim of murder. That people live in this world that slay innocent human lives for entertainment. It disgusted Shelby, and she hated how she couldn't make a stand against it. She looked up, staring into the endless blue, and sighed. A figure dressed lavishly caught her eye. He was wadding towards her, unsure how to move amongst the crops. Shelby's heart sank as she saw his satchel. It was embedded with the golden emblem of the King. Ever since Shelby's parents had been informed the High Priest was eyeing her, she'd down everything she could to seem unworthy. Even know, her face was smudged with dirt, her hair untidy. But it didn't seem to effect the High Priest in the way she had hoped. Now he saw her as a beauty, rich, and hard-working. Everything he needed in his sons wife. Shelby's heart sank. She didn't want to leave. She didn't want to wed someone she didn't know. Her beauty was a curse. "Lady Graces." The messenger finally reached her, and bowed politely. Shelby nodded tensly. "It is a pleasure to meet you. Whatever have I done to deserve the honor of being in the presence of one of the King's men?" She asked, but she already knew the answer. She wish she didn't. "Lady Graces, the King's High Priest has arranged for you to wed his son, Adam, at high noon on his birthday." Shelby's breath hitched. That was only a week away. "I am not worthy of such a honor." Shelby protested. "That is not for you to decide, ma'am. A carriage will arrive at your dwelling the day of the marriage. Good day, Lady Graces." The messenger then hurried off, accidentally trampling a stalk of corn. Shelby stared in dismay at the note he had placed in her hands.

It's over. This was it. Her fate had been decided. She-

In her sorrow, the strangest thing happened. She started to physically glow. Startled, she dropped the note and screamed. She grew brighter, blindingly bright. Shelby squeezed her eyes shut and prayed, scared. What was happening?! She felt a burning sensation on her wrist and hesitantly opened her eyes to check. A sun-shaped ball of light rose from her hand, leaving a mark on her wrist. It was a mark of the sun. The ball of light rose in front of her. Shelby stumbled back and stared at it.

"Follow." It whispered. "Follow."

Ross had finished cleaning the chickens wound and was bandaging the cut when he heard Shelby scream. What happened?! He abandoned his chicken and ran outside. In his frenzy, he knocked over a wooden bucket of water. It splashed him, and Ross fell to the floor, squeezing his eyes shut. After a few moments, he opened his eyes, confused. Spilled water covered the floor around him, but he was dry. The water had splashed him, yet he wasn't wet. His body had somehow obsorbed the water. He felt a burning on his wrist. Looking down, he saw water seeping from his hand, and a swirly blue mark on his wrist. The water fell to the floor and gathered to create a watery orb, floating in front of his face.

"Follow." It whispered to him, slowly making it's way outside.

Ross followed. What else was he supposed to be. It led him to his cousin, who surprisingly had her own ball of light. "Ross! This-this thing appeared out of my hand! It's telling me to fol-you have one too!" Shelby gasped. Ross nodded. "What do we do?"

"Follow." The orbs whispered together.

Shelby looked at Ross. "I don't think we have a choice." He whispered. He could tell this orb was going to change his life forever. Shelby looked down at something on the ground Ross couldn't see. It seemed to harden her resolve. "Let's go." She whispered.

And they followed.

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