Part 49 - The Emergence of 'Woman of Substance'

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At an age when you are expecting menopause, and when you have just only started a new life, this turn of events is neither welcome, nor happy! Paakhi was surely upset, and she made no effort to keep her disapproval from displaying. Param and Pari were not happy, not sad. Looked like, they were just not sure what to react. The rest of the people around me, were happy, because they felt this baby would bring us, Anupam and me, closer and bond us together. 

I was myself unsure at first. But as days passed, I realized that God always had plans. I remembered how, at the time of Param too, I was not happy at first. But now, as I looked at Param, I realized he was more mature than this elder sister, more caring, more considerate, more affectionate. He was Anupam reincarnated. Just similarly, this baby would also come with its own set of virtues, and perhaps be able to bridge the gaps between many of us! I decided, I to be happy and welcome this baby with all my heart. Of course, at this age I would have to be extra careful with the health aspect. 

I invited Ishaan and Paakhi for a dinner, which they accepted. I had also called over those few near and dear ones, who mattered. At the dinner table, along with Anupam, I announced, that Anupam and I would welcome the baby, who would be our third kid, individually and fifth jointly. As I said 'fifth', I stressed on the word, and also met the eyes of Ishaan and Paakhi, to make them both realize that they were as much mine, as they were Anupam's. Ishaan smiled, while Paakhi frowned. Deep down though, I could see a different emotion in her eyes. I decided to talk to her, in private, and try to patch our relationship. 

Post dinner, as I was cleaning up, Ishaan and Param and Pari, all of them offered to help. I refused. Shivam, Michael, Sri and Rihana too offered to help. I refused them too. Anupam said, "Oh wife, you want me to do the cleaning, then?" I smiled and said, "No, thank you!" and then looked at Paakhi, and said, "I would be happy, if my eldest daughter, Paakhi, would help me... No force, but I would be glad..." She looked up, from her phone, and got up. She walked into the kitchen, and said, "Fine! This is a smart way of getting work done, Revathi!" As she picked up a plate to clean, I took it from her gently and said, "No, darling. I called you here, to talk to me. I don't want my daughter to harden her hands with all these works. I wish you get a family and partner, who have so many facilities and so much help available that you never need to work. Paakhi, of all the kids, you are the most grown up and eldest of all. I am in a condition, which Pari and Param may not understand, given their age, and Ishaan may not understand due to his gender! Also, Anupam and I are beyond that age to embrace parenthood. Of course, our physical bonding has blessed us with this li'l one, growing inside me, right now. So, obviously, we will embrace this as a blessing and bring him or her into this world, but you know running around the little bundle of energy, upbringing of the little one, playing with him/her, all that is beyond Anupam and me, now. We are not young and energetic anymore. So, if you take up the charge, and engage yourself in the upbringing of our little one, I would be extremely thankful to you. And kids are a great stress-buster. So, this kind of an involvement will definitely bring you much peace. I would be more than glad to let you be her mother, her Godmother, if you want to call it. Would you like to take it up?"

"Revathi, I do like kids in general, but I don't like this kid at all. It makes me feel ashamed that my father chose to marry at an age where his daughter is at an almost marriageable age. I am ashamed that he chose to make love to a woman who is ten plus years younger than him. I am ashamed that he even went ahead to make a baby with a woman when his elder daughter will be about 24! Revathi, really, are you dumb to not see the hatred in my eyes, or are you pretending to love me so much that you are overlooking the hatred?" Paakhi asked with contempt. 

I tried to overlook the contempt, and said, "Paakhi, I am both blind and dumb to not see your contempt, because I love you just like I love Pari. So, hate me as much as you want, but that won't keep me from loving you. And you still have time, to think over my offer, and be the Godmother of my baby!" 

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