Chapter 1

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Hey ! well im new to this (: im writing this stroy with my friend, u can probably see the difference in our writing cuz were like total opposites (x this chapter interduces u too most of the main characters, another couple important ones are introduced later on ! this is unedited :O please dont take any of writing from our story, BE ORIGIONAL. Dont be a copy. well let me know what u think ;D

Chapter 1 :

Opening his locker, Justin kept a close eye, makeing sure he didnt see his best friend anywhere. He wasnt ready to face the consequence of loosing that poker game. It was over the weekend and whoever lost the game had to do the dare the other person chose. Unfortunatley for Justin, he lost.

Reaching in his locker for his calculus homework, he felt a tap on top of his left shoulder. He didnt expect it to be his bestfriend Tyler, because everyone knew Justin. Justin and Tyler, two peas in a pod, two popular boys known for their weird and crazy antics. It must have been a bad day for justin because can you guess who was their? Tyler. Grinning ear to ear.

"Ready to run around the school naked?" Tyler asked Justin. Yup, definately not his day. Justin groaned and tried to smack Tyler with his 1/2 inch binder.

"Really, that's all you can come up with?" Justin asked Tyler feigned hurt.

"Hey, I thought very hard about that one!" Tyler said crossing his arms.

"Obviously not enough" Justin added under his breath, but loud enough for Tyler to hear. Justin then rushed of to his first period class..

"Okay wise guy, what would you do?" Tyler said trying to match Justin's pace. Justin snorted.

"Something better than that!" Tyler was about to reply when two girls walked by swaying their hips dramatically.

"Hey Justin, Hey Tyler!" they said in sync flirtatiously.

Justin nodded towards them while Tyler winked at them. They giggled and continued on walking with a big smile swiped across their cake face.

"They want me." Tyler said, full of himself.

"In the dumpster, sure." Justin replied

"You are just jealous because I'm better looking than you. And I'm the most popular guy in this school." Tyler said.

"Actually, I'm more popular." Justin said.

"Oh yeah," Tyler said taking this as a challenge. "I'm so popular, any girl would want ME."

"I'm so popular I can make anyone else popular" Justin replied, bored.

"I accept that challenge!" Tyler said, a determined look on his handsome face. Justin halted to a stop and turned to his friend, bewildered.

"What?!" he asked curiously.

"I said.." Tyler began " I accept your challenge"

" What challenge?" Justin asked in alarm. Challenges with Tyler never ended well. Hence the poker game.

"The challenge where you said you can make anyone popular." Tyler said.

"Well I never agreed to that challenge." Justin said dismissively.

"Is Justin too much of a chicken?" Tyler asked, imitating a baby.

"No." Justin said through gritted teeth.

"Then prove it" Tyler said with a smirk across his face.

" Fine" Justin said falling for Tyler's trap. He though of this as a game, and games were always fun for him.

They arrived in first period and headed towards their usual seats in the back of the class.

"Okay, so here are the rules" Tyler began. " You must make someone popular and well-known by January which is what? Five months? Yeah. So by January. Oh, and they must be girls!"

"Why girls?" Justin asked.

"Well A. she would thank me" Tyler said with a sly smile, "and B. because they are more difficult to make popular." Tyler said, answering Justin's question.

"Whatever." Justin grumbled.

"And those girls are.." Tyler said not finishing his sentence, scanning the room for possible candidates.

"THEM !" Tyler exclaimed pointing at two girls in the front of the class.

Justin looked to where Tyler was pointing and he saw two girls. One had blond hair tied into a pony tail. She wore glasses and a loose unfitted sweatshirt. She screamed 'LOSER'. The other girl had jet black hair in waves,with tight black skinny jeans and a loose black Silverstein shirt. Her arms were covered with rubber bands, and Justin briefly wondered if she cuts herself. After all, she did look straight up goth.

"I call the nerd. The other one seems like she would kill me." Tyler said. Justin rolled his eyes but secretly agreed.

"And the game starts now." Justin announced.

"Let the games begin!" Tyler added quoting The Hunger Games.

"Shut up dude!" Justin said shoving him.

E/N hey ! well this is really short i know ! its just an intro that's why. But if we get some views on this story ill update on MONDAY (: Don't forget to VOTE if u liked ! :D

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