Chapter 2

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Jessica Monroe listened as her best friend, Olivia, chat about how someone from the book club got a boyfriend from the rival school. Rivalry was taken seriously at their school.

Olivias blue eyes sparkled as she talked animatley. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a tight pony tail and her loose sweater gave her an aura of someone who would be considered a nerd.

"Jess, are you even listening to me ?" Olivia asked.

"Of course I am" Jessica replied, pushing her black hair to the side. Olivia was about to reply whan the teacher came in.

"Okay class," Mr. Baldy began, " free period today." The class cheered happy being free from school work. Mr. Baldy sat down at his desk a and took out a book. Jessica shook her head. This class was a joke, no one did anything.

Turning to her best friend, Olivia, Jessica was about to complain about how they never learn anything when she heard someone grab a chair and sit across from them. Narrowing her eyes, she wondered who it was.


Olivia looked starstruck. She had always had a crush on Mr. Goofball-who-happened-to-be-popular. Jessica narrowed her eyes at him and she could tell he was squirming under her gaze.

"Hey guys!" Tyler said cheerfully.

"Hi" Olivia said shocked.

"What are you guys up to?" he asked.

"Nothing, what are you up too?" Tyler flinched at Jessicas harsh tone. Tyler opened and closed his mouth like a gaping fish.

"Wha- what do you mean?" he managed to say. Jessica ignored him, her jade eyes scanning the room. Her gaze settled on Justin sitting at the back of the room.

"Your buddy's over there." Jessica said inclining her head towards him.

"I- I know" Tyler stuttered. Jessica looked at him confused for a second, then it turned to suspicion.

"Then what are you doing here?" Jessica asked bluntly. Before Tyler could respond, Olivia interupted.

"That was rude Jess! Why dont you apologize?" Olivia scowled at her.

"Yeah Jess, dont want me cutting myself because you wont be my friend." Tyler said nervously, clancing at her covered wrists. First she was shocked at what he was implying then she saw red.

"First of all," she hissed, " Dont call me Jess. Secondly, I am not going to apologize, and most of all, I. HATE. STEREOTYPES."

Tyler did not expect that. In a swift movement, she stood up, grabbed her backpack, and told Mr. Baldy she was going to the bathroom.

"Im sorry about her." Olivia apologized on Jessicas bahalf.

"No problem" Tyler said with an easy smile. This is not going to end well, Tyler thought.

"So, why exactly are you here ?" Olivia asked with her eyebrow in an arch.

"Ummm... " Tyler began as he scratched the back of his head. "I was wondering if you wanted to, umm, go to Justin's Spring party with me this weekend?" He said shining his paper-white teeth.

"Uhh I uhhh I-I Sure!" Olivia replied thinking this was the best day of her high school year so far.

"Perfect!" Tyler replied a little to fast. "Wear something nice! Try something new with your hair. I think it will look good in curls" he said kissing her cheek as he exited the classroom because the break bell rang.

E/N Hey people(: sorry for the looong wait ! school takes up most of my time/: can we get 5 votes ? :D i know its short but i promise the next one will be longer (:

whats happening in the next chapter: Olivia spills the details to Jessica about her date. Justin and Jessica time ! ;D

Next upload: tuesday or wednessday :)

5 votes= tuesday

less votes= wednesday <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2012 ⏰

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