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Grey clouds blanketed the sky as a snow storm blew through the forest, covering the trees in white. Boots prints in the snow led to two men, struggling to find where they were and where they were going. While the weather may be coming down on them, they believed there was nothing to fear from their quiet surroundings. As they head toward the mountains leering above them with guns strapped to their backs, the two men starting to debate if they were going the wrong way.

"I'm sure we've gone in three circles by now." The taller of the two soldiers complained.

"Well, why don't you try to figure out where we're going, if you think you're so smart." the shorter solider huffed as he shoved the map into the tall one's arms.

The taller solider rolled his eyes and he held the large piece of paper out in front of him. "How are we supposed to find a secret base under a mountain, if it's a secret?

The short one angrily muttered some profanity to himself before snatching the map back and walking away. The taller one followed and the both continued to be oblivious to the ocean blue eyes watching their every move from the trees above. As stealthy as a cat, she continued to hope from one tree to another, making sure they never left her sight. This predator felt a mixture of disgust and fury toward her prey, who just happen to be these men in black uniforms trailing near her home. Fortunately, she knew exactly where they came from and exactly where she would be sending them next.

The two men continued to bicker and this caused them to continue to walk in the wrong direction and the woman shortly questioned to herself how the hell these sad excuses for soldiers made it through royal boot camp, alive. She believed soldiers were supposed to be smarter, but maybe, just maybe, these two were proving that theory wrong.

As she followed them, she wanted to tear their vocal cords from their throats. The more they complained, the harder it was for her to restrain herself from attacking. Sadly, she was commanded to only bring them in for questioning, which ruined her fun and her job. With the gear she was supplied, she only needed to find a perfect spot to execute her new toys.

The stalking and the bickering only lasted a few more minutes before she was absolutely done with this situation, When she knew they were finally close enough to the entrance of the base, she reached into her pocket and pulled out three tiny silver balls. These balls were filled with a mixture of Fluothane, Neothyl, Penthrane, and a little something extra which would have them on the ground in seconds. She was secretly impressed by the genius behind the little balls in her hand, but knew if she spilled this admiration to their creator, it would definitely go to their head.

When the soldiers finally reached the marker that indicated they were one hundred feet from the entrance, she finally perched herself up on the snow covered tree branch locate right above them. Raising her scarf above her slightly red noise, the huntress pressed a small red button on the balls as she let them roll out of her hand and onto the ground. Within seconds, they released an invisible gas that startled the men below her. She smirked as she saw the men struggle, it was too late for them to try to escape, as soon as they inhaled the air, they were goners.

Seconds later, they collapsed to the ground. The huntress hopped from the tree branch down to the ground. She raised arm to her mouth, pressing a button on the watch attached to her wrist and sent a signal to backup letting them know that these unconscious idiots were now ready to be brought back to base.

It took them several minutes to respond with assistance and one hour to drag them and tie them up to cold and unforgiving metal chairs in separate interrogation rooms. These rooms were located at the very bottom of the secret base in the mountains they were trying to hard to find.

Although she loved interrogating the Supreme leader's royal soldiers, it was not her job today. Her assigned task for the day was merely a delivery service. As she walked out from the pure white rooms, she passed her work associate, and only friend who was awarded the opportunity of information extraction, with any means necessary. They both nodded in acknowledgment of the others presence, before her friend slipped and the huntress entered the lift to go back to her room.

Walking to her room was never as quiet as she hoped it could be. Dozens of citizens would always look in her direction and whisper. She never knew if it was admiration, curiosity, or fear, but she always paid no mind. She was confident about one fact at all times.

No one knew a damn thing about her, except approximately four people in the entire mountain system.

One of them being her boss and leader, Princess Khana of Leto. Khana was currently in a power struggle between her monstrous and wicked older step mother, Elexa. When Khana was just a child, Elexa murdered her father and seized the throne of Leto. She sentenced Khana to death, but luckily the princess was taken with dozens of citizens who in turn started a resistance against Elexa. As the daughter of the former leaders of the resistance, it became duty for this huntress to protect and destroy the enemies of the real crown of Leto.

Finally approaching her room, she put the whispers behind her, and locked herself in for the night. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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