I Dare you...

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Camila lets out a sigh as she walks down the halls of the concert venue, trailing her fingers along the wall as she goes and attempting to keep her mind from venturing to topics that only lead to sulking.

She can hear the muffled screams of adoring fans behind her; the familiar beat of one of Austin's songs accompanying them.

It's the first night of the tour, and Camila knows she probably should have stuck back with the other girls to watch Austin perform, but she can't really find it in herself to sing along to songs sung by a boy who has ignored her for the past month.

Besides, Lauren didn't even stick around for The Vamps' performance, so she figures she is free to leave as well if she wishes. They're going to be on this tour for three months after all. There will be other nights to see Austin sing about girls that aren't her.

When Camila reaches their dressing room she opens the door to find Lauren curled up on the couch.

The green-eyed girl has changed into her casual clothes, donned in jeans and a grey hoody. She has her headphones in and is staring down at her iPhone, unaware of Camila's presence.

Camila ignores the familiar warmth that bubbles in her stomach every time she sees the girl, forcing her eyes to leave Lauren before they linger too long. Letting out a sigh, she moves into the room, swiping up her backpack before heading to the bathroom to change.

When she's finally in a more comfortable outfit Camila makes her way back into the dressing room, hearing Lauren's murmured voice bouncing off the walls.

"I'm sorry, Luis." She green-eyed girl says, exhaustion clear in her tone, "I don't know what you want me to say."

Camila freezes, hand still on the door handle of the bathroom. She considers going back inside, but curiosity gets the better of her and the brunette remains in her place.

"Of course I miss you." Lauren huffs, and Camila easily recognizes the strained annoyance in her voice.

"I can be excited about the tour and still miss you." She grits, "Why can't you just be happy that I like what I'm doing? You were telling me to stop being down about it literally before I left!"

There is a pause, and Camila assumes Luis is talking. She wishes she could see the expression on Lauren's face right now, but she's not about to attempt a better vantage point.

The girl drops her phone into her lap briefly, pulling an ear out and running her hands through her hair.

"It has nothing to do with you!" she bursts, "Do you want me to be sad all the time or something? I'm living my dream, Luis. I'm allowed to enjoy it."

Camila doesn't realize she's released the door handle before the door is already shutting with a loud thud behind her.

Lauren jumps at the sound and her head peers over the couch, wide green eyes falling on Camila. Her mouth opens and closes, brow furrowing in confusion as she looks at her band mate.

"Uh..." Lauren shakes her head, seems to remember Luis on the other end of the line and turns back around on the couch, "I need to go, Luis." She says with a sigh.

Camila feels guilty for disrupting the conversation (or fight), but she's also slightly relieved. After all, she knows Lauren's temper well. The discussion with Luis was not heading anywhere nice.

"Well why would I want to keep talking to you if you're just going to make me feel bad?" Lauren hisses into the microphone, "I'll call you tomorrow or something."

There's another pause and then an irritated growl falls from Lauren's lips, the green-eyed girl pulling her headphones out.

"Sorry." Lauren murmurs, glancing over at Camila momentarily before looking back down at her phone, "I didn't see you come in."

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