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Rhydians POV

After Maddy passed out I took her back to the pack healers. I didn't see Alric anywhere so that was good. "She's hurt badly. She will have to stay in here for a while." I heard an elder say to maddy's parents. "Is she awake?" "Not yet. You can see her but I don't think she wil know you are there." The elder walked off and Emma and Daniel walked in. I walked over to the door. "I'm sorry." That's all I could say to them. They looked at me as if to say 'you should leave'. I left them there and went to find Alric. I could see him by the river. I ran there as fast as I could. "Thanks a lot for everything." I said sarcastically. "Rhydian, why are you mad at me. You should be happy that I didn't go back!" I could feel my eyes change color. "You hurt Maddy! She's out cold and has to stay in a hut for a long time!" I yelled and before I know it I was jumping at him in wolf form. He jumped at me too. I scratched his face with my claws then bit his leg. He dug his claws into me and pushed me up against a tree. I could hardly move but I managed to cut his body with my claws. He couldn't move. His gray fur quickly turned red. I couldn't stand here anymore to see what I just did. I transformed and ran back to the pack. "Maddy your awake!" I heard Emma say as I walked by. "Rhydian! She's awake!" Daniel dhouted to tell me. "Great. Ill wait to see her." I walked into my own tent and laid down.

Maddy's POV

"Where's Rhydian?" That was the first thing I said when I woke up. Not where am I or what happened but where's Rhydian. It was just an instinct. I didn't think before I talked. "He's in his tent." Mom said while taking my hand. "Tell him to get in here." Dad stepped out of the tent. "Rhydian, Maddy asked for you." I could hear my dad but not Rhydian. "He said that he wants you to get a little better before he sees you again." He looked at Emma suspiciously. They left so I could sleep even though I didn't need it. Why won't Rhydian just talk to me. If he doesn't want to see me in this state then we will talk through thoughts. "Are you alright." I asked him. No reply. "Rhydian! I know you can hear me." I'm not going to stop until I hear him. "Please say something." I began to wonder if he was dead and that's why I couldn't hear him when dad went over to talk to him. I looked at the door. It was night and everyone was probably asleep. So I went to sleep. (Dream) Rhydian and I were running through the woods when suddenly he stopped. He turned to me. "I love you Maddy." He leaned in to kiss me. It's was the best kiss since I left. Then a gun shot tore us apart. We look down. Rhydian has been shot. He fell to the ground and I began to cry and shout his name.(for real) "RHYDIAN!" I screamed over and over in my sleep. Someone shaking me ripped me out of my nightmare. It was Rhydian. I hugged him and cryed on his shoulder. "I love you." I said with tears still running down my face. "I love you too." The bed was big enough for the both of us. He stayed there and held me all night. I hadn't even noticed the crowd of people around my tent earlier.

Emma's POV

I hear Maddy screaming for Rhydian. I ran to her tent to check if she was ok. Rhydian was already there. He must have been going over to her before she made a noise because his tent is further away from hers than mine is. I could hear him say that he was hear now and that everything would be ok. Then Maddy said something that a sixteen year old girl shouldn't have. "I love you." I walked away and was beginning to think of what to tell her in the morning about "love". I walked past the tent again and saw them snuggling. That made it even worse.

Rhydians POV

I'm laying with Maddy the rest of the night. I can't hurt her like that. Our relationship has grown stronger over the years but tonight made it seem real.

The sun started to rise and I started to wake up. She did too. "Good morning." I said with a smile. She kisses me in the cheek and laid back down. She locked her fingers with mine. I wish we could never move from this perfect moment. Her mom came marching in. "Maddy. I need to talk to you, in private." She looked directly at me. I got up. "I'll see ya later Maddy." I walked out and remembered Alric. I ran to where I left him. He was still there. He wasn't breathing. I paced not knowing what to do with him now. I ran back to the camp and grabbed a shovel. Ill just burry him. I found a good spot and dug a hole. Once I finished I dropped him in and pushed the dirt over top of him. I sat down and put my elbows on my knees. "I actually killed him." Replayed in my head. Then I thought " I have to tell Maddy and Janna" I began to run but stopped when I heard Emma talking to Maddy.


What do you think was bad enough for Rhydian to stop? Yeah it is kinda long today but I have SOO many ideas. It would have been longer but I cut it off thanks for reading! BYE!!!!

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