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taehyung's text message came around midnight.

he tryied to kill me

i was scsred i didn't kniw what to d o

he e was goi jg to kill me

im in the traynysrd pleas come plwase

jungkook was the first to arrive, sprinting as quickly as he could with a backpack slung on one shoulder.

taehyung was sitting on the tracks, face buried in his knees and shaking.


he looked up, a large bruise stretching across his face and blood dripping down the side of his head.

"kook," he whimpered. "i need to get away from here. i need to run away i need to-"

"taehyung? you okay?"

seokjin and namjoon came sprinting down the tracks, worried looks crossing their faces.

when seokjin sat down beside him, taehyung clung to his arm.

"oh jin, oh my god," he was crying now, nearly hysterical, sobs shaking his small frame. "please get me away from here please away from him he wants me dead hewantsmefuckingdead-"

"hey, shush," seokjin smoothed his hair, tugging him close to his chest. "we'll get you away from him. he won't be able to hurt you again. okay?"

"he wants to kill me jin he wants to kill me he hit me so many times i just needed something to eat and he hit me so many times jin fucking hell..."

taehyung told people he lived on the streets, because that was close enough to the truth.

but it was rather trying to stay away from home as much as he possibly could, and when he had to explain to someone he didn't know all that well, saying he lived on the streets was much easier.

his clothes were still at home, he had money hidden in the floorboard of his room, and when he desperately needed money or food, he'd go home and sneak in and out before his father saw him.

he usually made it out on time, so he hadn't expected to run into his father on his way out that night.

the rest of the boys were at the train yard ten minutes later, sitting down on the tracks with their backpacks on their knees.

taehyung was fast asleep on seokjin's lap by then, bruised eyes shut and blood covered hair hanging over his forehead, his split lip slightly open as he breathed steadily.

"he's hurt?" yoongi deflated, eyeing the bruises and blood.

"he needed something to eat, hadn't eaten in like a week or some shit, and he ran into his dad," namjoon explained. "he should have just asked us to get him a meal."

"fucking bastard," hoseok sat back. "let's go kick his ass."

"and have taehyung deal with the aftermath when he gets caught again? probably not the best idea," yoongi ruffled his hair.

"why is he bleeding? is he hurt bad?" jimin's voice was croaky and unstable.

"he has bruises around his neck, blood soaking the back of his t-shirt, but he wouldn't let me take a look," seokjin muttered. "told me that it's fine and he's had worse. that he'll only need help if it gets infected. fucking idiot."

"did you bring bandages? it's not like you didn't expect this."

seokjin nodded.

"well, then disinfect it and shit while he's sleeping, dumbass," yoongi said.

"what if he wakes up?"

"kid's gonna get an infection if he doesn't at least get his back bandaged up," namjoon added. "just do it. he knows he needs it, he just doesn't want us all to worry about him."

seokjin hesitantly peeled the shirt away from taehyung's skin, biting his lip when he took a close look.

the lights across the tracks illuminated the scratches in his skin and the blood oozing from the cuts over crisscrossing welts from a belt.

seokjin wanted to cry.

it looked terrible; it must have hurt like hell, and seokjin couldn't understand how taehyung had managed to act like it didn't hurt at all.

he carefully cleaned the cuts, flinching when taehyung's eyes fluttered open.

"the fuck are you doing?"

taehyung sat up, body tense from the pain.

"you need to get those cuts cleaned, tae," jimin said. "lay back down, seokjin's about to bandage them up."

"i'm fine."

"fucking liar," yoongi grumbled. "there was a piece of glass the size of my fist in your goddamn skin, and you're fine? that's a load of bull, tae, and you know it."

"i can clean them myself, i'm okay." his teeth were gritted and he blinked to rid his eyes of the tears they were welling up with. "jin, i'm really okay-"

"just lay back down, tae. let's get you bandaged up and then we'll go get you something to eat, okay?"

he looked reluctant, slowly laying back down on the ground to let seokjin tend to his wounds.

"you haven't eaten in a while?" namjoon mumbled.

"not enough money." taehyung's reply came muffled and quiet.

"you could have asked us."

he merely shrugged.

jimin sighed. "next time, before you're on the verge of starving to death again, tell us, okay? we don't have much, but we have enough to give you a meal."

taehyung snuggled into seokjin's lap, burying his head into his thigh as he nodded slowly.

"i'd be dead right now if i didn't have you guys."

seokjin put away the bandages as he mumbled back, "i think we'd all be dead by now if we didn't have each other, and you know why that's okay?" a pause and seven quick breaths from each of them. "because we do have each other, and that means we aren't gonna die."

a/n; my writing is shit and i high key hate the way this chapter turned out bUt tHe enDiNg's kINdA cuTe hence why im keeping it hahaha

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