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"And I was like baby, baby, baby ohhh.. Baby, baby..."

Lauren Jauregui groaned in frustration as she heard Baby by Justin Bieber, the annoying tone of her phone that she meticulously assigned to her equally annoying assistant whenever she calls Lauren to wake her up or to inform her about her schedule. Lauren unwillingly pressed the answer button and lazily placed the phone on her ear.

"What?" She growled.

"Good Morning, Lauren. How are you doing on this fine Sunday morning?" Her assistant/bestfriend asked perkily. Dont get her wrong, she likes her assistant. In fact, she is the only person aside from her family and friends who can tolerate her mood swings and crabbiness. She is grateful that she has a very hands on and loyal assistant who never fails to save her ass whenever she does something stupid but right now she cant help but sneer at the girl because first, it's sunday and it's the only time of the week that she doesn't need to work. Second, Lauren is suffering from a hangover due from drinking too much last night and third, she just doesn't feel like talking to anyone right now.

"Oh, easy there, Tiger. I was just calling to let you know tha--"

"Stop! If it's about work then call me back later. Bye!"


Lauren Jauregui, a 26 year old multi awarded singer, an amazing actress, a sexy seductress, rich kid, and a hot casanova. Name it and she has it. She's not only famous for being a public figure but also very notorious when it comes to women. Yes, it's not a secret that Lauren's gay and not just gay but an overly confident, chick magnet.

6 years ago, when she was just starting her career, the management talked her into keeping it as a secret but Lauren, being her stubborn self, didn't agree with them. She lives by the rule "if they cant accept me, they dont deserve me", which is her life long motto. The management was really forced to plan how they will incorporate her 'coming out of the closet' to the public and the launching of her album into a less disastrous way. They already came up with something but of course Lauren doesnt like to be instructed and so she didn't follow what she was told. On the day of her album launching, a girl came up to her and kissed her in front of the camera and people who were there at the said event. Lauren didnt push the girl. Instead she cupped the back of the girls head and kissed her back. To say that the media were stunned was an understatement. It took a couple of seconds before someone says something. She was supposed to launch her first album but then it came more of like a stupid talk show. They just ask a few questions about the album and the rest of the question were channeled to her being a lesbian.

It was indeed a disastrous moment. Her manager and producer were mad beyond belief to the extent that Lauren taught it would be her first and last album. Again, being her stubborn self, she just shrugged them off, smirked at them and jokingly said, " Another dream of mine is to become a sexy barista. Do you think I'll be in?" Her manager throw her out of the room after saying it and ask not show her face for the rest of the day. That was actually the reaction she was hoping for so that she could escape the horrible conversation.

After getting out of the "dungeon" she went back to her house, went straight to her room, took out her phone and texted someone.

To Ally,
"Hey, thanks for the kiss. You did well! Not only will my parents be pissed at me when they see that but also I'm sure I'll be in the news in a few hours."

After typing it, Lauren hit the send button and sat down her phone at her bedside table. As expected, her phone vibrated, alerting her that she got a new message.

To Lauren,
"Ha! Good luck with that. I'm sure your parents will chew your ears off for putting a show like that."

To Ally,
"It's fine. I dont care! I think it's high time for them to accept who I realy am. They have been in denial for a long time now."

To Lauren,
"True! Anyway, you should really take a rest. I'm sure you'll have a very busy day tomorrow."

To Ally,
"Thanks, Al for everything. You're my bestfriend and I promise I'll keep you out of this mess. Love ya!

Morning came and the news about her, being gay, spread like a wildfire. A lot of people criticized her. Bad things were said about her but she couldn't care less because even though there are a lot of bashers, there were also a lot of people who actually supported her and she's more than happy about it not only because she was accepted but also because her album became a big hit. She was everywhere. Tv shows, radio programs, big and small events, name it and Lauren's in it.

Her manager where very much pleased that everything turned out for the better. In just a few months, she was hailed a winner from different award giving bodies. She became a star. She became the person she dreamt of.

Lauren's sudden explosion to stardom is not always rainbows and butterflies and she has already proven that a lot of times. First, the time and effort that she needs to put into her work is unbelievable. Second, temptations are everywhere when you're in the business. And the third, her family who was supposed to be there for her doesn't really support her and that's the thing that hurt her the most.

Lauren, being the only child, she was brought up to follow the footsteps of her parents. She was told to be gracious, to be passionate, to be respectful to have a dream and etcetera. She has all of those but her parents thought it wasn't good enough. They thought, or more like her father thought that it wasn't good enough. That she wasn't trying hard enough. That her achievements at an early age wasn't good enough.

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