A new Spirit wolf!

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    I could not fall asleep because even when he is asleep Natsu still makes weird noises because he is so sick. It is so distracting.

     As we rode on the train I started sensing something powerful. I looked down toward my charm bracelet and saw a new charm glowing, this time it had swirl designs. 'I wonder which wolf this is. I need to get off this train so I can meet it.' I think as I look at the others and realize that we will not be stopping anytime soon. "Hey guys, I need to go, I'll meet you Clover Town." I say as I walk towards the exit with Leena behind me.

     "Wait, (Y/n) the train is moving what do you mean?" Erza says as I continue to walk away and do not respond. What happened next seemed to shock everyone on the train.


I jumped out of the window while I hear screams behind me. Once I am out of the train I begin to run in the direction of the wolf. It only took me about ten minutes until I felt the wind picking up even more as I was approaching my destination. I take a couple of turns through the forest and see a wolf in front of me.

 I take a couple of turns through the forest and see a wolf in front of me

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She looked as if she was made entirely of wind and air. 

     "Hello, I am (Y/n) Delos. Are you the wind spirit wolf?" I ask to make sure I have it right.

     "Yes I am the spirit wolf of wind. Why have you come here?" she asked me skeptically yet with interest.

     "I have come here to make a contract with you and ask you if you would join me as the fire and galaxy wolf have." I say looking at her confidently.

     "I would be happy to join you (Y/n). You seem like a really kind hearted girl and I would love to serve you." she says as she bows her head down.

     "Wolf of Wind, I am ruler of the stars and I will give you a place to belong and a name. Join me Summer Breeze." I chant to form our contract. She gets sucked into my charm bracelet and it turns into a light blue, almost silver. I smile as I look down at the three colored charms on my bracelet. 'Just nine more until I have them all.' I think to my self as Leena and I head towards Clover town. 

     On our way there another charm began to glow and I headed in the direction it wanted my to go. Once I got there I see a wolf that is white and green wolf that has poison ivy vines growing off of him.

 Once I got there I see a wolf that is white and green wolf that has poison ivy vines growing off of him

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     "Hello there. Would you like to join me and become one of my spirits?" I ask him as I raise my hand forward toward him. He glares at me until he saw my bracelet.

     "Where did you get that bracelet?" He asked me in awe. "and who are you?" 

     "I am (Y/n) Delos, daughter of Asteria Delos, Goddess of the Stars." I say with a huge smile.

     "I would love to join you in your journeys (Y/n)." He says as his mood brightens a bit.

     "Ok." I say as I begin the chant. "Wolf of Poison, I am ruler of the stars and I will give you a place to belong and a name. Join me Snake Bite." As I finish he has this small grin on his face as he goes into a charm with what looks like bubbles and it turns a very light shade of green.

     I once again begin to walk to Clover town and I see a barrier around the train station and that the rest of my group seemed to just escape it, but Natsu and Happy are nowhere to be seen.

Ok so the short names for Summer Breeze and Snake Bite are 'Breeze' and 'Bite'. I was originally only going to add one wolf but then had nothing else to add. Sorry for not writing in a long time, I've had school and work and haven't had time. I will try to write more frequently from now on.

~Night Sky

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