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"Zack has a crush, Zack has cru-ush" Charlie teased, causing Zack to blush.

Oh my god, this was such a bad idea. Zack thought to himself.

See, in the recent days, Zack had found much harder than it ever had been before to keep himself from talking about Joe too much. Obviously, he didn't want to bother his friends, but it wasjust really hard. Especially not being able to see Joe everyday.

"I should never have told you anything," Zack said. Charlie glared at him.

"Come on man, I'm just teasing. It's honestly really cute. And it totally wasn't super obvious either."

Zack rolled his eyes.


As the week progressed, the teasing only got worse. Not only was it in school, Zack was starting to recieve random texts from Charlie, of course, about Joe.

So, anything from Joe recently? ;)

Zack blushed and resisted the urge to tell him that he was actually talking to him right now. It was around three in the morning in Zack's time and they were on their 14th game of Skywars. They were actually keeping track.

"P!" Joe screamed through the microphone.

"WHAT WHAT I GOT DISTRACTED!" He yelled back, and saw that he was slowly into the abyss of minecraft.

"Someone shot you off! Now I have to avenge you, what even happened?!" Joe inquired.

"Uh, sorry, someone texted me."

"Who's texting you at three in morning?"

Zack furrowed his brow because he thought he heard jealousy in Joe's voice.

"No one, just Charlie" He replied.


Zack smirked to himself as he typed back,

Nothing since yesterday, go away,  I'm trying to sleep anyway.

He went back to focusing on their game. As usual, they dominated and won the game easily. They played one more celebratory game and then just settled down to talking.

Zack's phone chimed again.

Ah yes, that's why you and Joe are on teamspeak right now.

At this, Zack covered his eyes and sighed. He completely forgot how Charlie could see that he was clearly not asleep right now.

Shut. Up.


He'd get him back.


The events of the next day did not help Zack's case. At some point, Charlie had convinced himself that Joe liked Zack back, to which Zack was 75% sure that wasn't true.

Sure, Joe was known to tweet random love song lyrics and have it mean nothing, he just thought he was artsy. But this timing was just plain off.


I will not kiss you. Lips are chapped and faded.

Seedeng: (In reply to at Joe)

Oh, sorry Pokediger1, looks like you're out of luck, Joe needs chapstick.

Zack wasn't sure if he have ever blushed so hard in his life. Not only did Charlie just tweet that in front everyone, he knows. Yet somehow, Zack still didn't regret telling him.

Pokediger1: (In reply to Charlie, Joe)

Oh darn, better get that chapstick bro


PAX Prime had finally rolled around and Zack could barely contain his excitment. Of course, he was excited to see the fans and everyone from the cube again but he was most excited to see Joe again. Though he'd never admit that to anyone.

Charlie and Zack got on their plane and both quickly went to sleep. Charlie, because he was tired, and Zack because, well it'd make the flight go faster.

Soon enough, the plane touched down and Zack raced through the airport to find his luggage. Standing next to the luggage area was Joe, looking down at his phone.

"JOE!" Zack called from the other side of the room.

"POKE!" Joe called back.

They ran to eachother and hugged tightly.

"Bro, I'm so happy you're here!" Joe exclaimed.

"Same! It's been too long since we've seen eachother." They smiled at eachother until they heard a cough from being them.

"Charlie!" Joe yelled and went to go hug him.

While they were catching up, Zack went and got both his and Charlie's lugagge. He brought it back and they went outside to catch their Uber. Zack, of course, tripped on his way out the door which earned a laugh from the two other boys.

"Oh shoot!" Charlie gasped. "I forgot my earbuds in the chair, Zack come back to get them with me." He started to walk away. Joe looked at Zack confused, but he just shrugged and walked back into the airport behind Charlie.

By the time that Zack got past the door, Charlie was already walking back with his earbuds in his hands.

"Why'd you need me for that?" Zack questioned.

Charlie smirked and stuck something in Zack's hand and said

"I forgot, I bought this for you." Charlie then walked out the door.

Zack looked down at the cherry chapstick in his hand and buried his head in his palms.

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