My shield(Dean Ambrose and Aj love story)

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Aj's POV

I was skipping down the hall when this scary looking guy stopped me."Who are you?"I asked.

He smirked."Me?I'm Dean ambrose, 1\3 of the shield"

"Umm... ok"I rolled my eyes and skipped away but felt a strong arm grad my shoulder.

"Don't give me that attitude skippy" He growled.

"Don't call me skippy"I walked away from him creeped out.This guy is weird.He's some new guy in the group the shield I think.I saw my ex boyfriend Randy Orton walking towards me with an evil smirk on his face.My eyes widened and my throat was dry.He grabbed me and tried to pull me away but got punched in the jaw by Dean.I looked at him shocked.He had no expression on his face, he just looked angry.

"You're staying with me."He muttered."You're not safe with him around"

I was gonna tell at him but no words came out.I was too shocked.He dragged me to his locker room where I saw his team mates the shield.

"What's she doing here?" Seth asked rudely.

"She needs to because that tattooed freak Randy is after her"Dean answered angrily.

Seth just rolled his eyes and said."But she's weird and skips and is always dating guys and-"

I cleared my throat loudly and said."I'm right here"

"And do you think I give a fuck" Seth said as he got up and got in my face.

"Hey!" Dean said as he shoved him with a lot of force.

Seth just glared at me and walked out.As soon as the door closed I said."Well he's a happy camper"

"You gotta get used to him.But don't worry, he'll come around"Dean said.

I nodded and went to the divas locker room to change.I changed into a love bites shirt, black shorts and a pink belt, knee high socks and knee high converse black with pink laces, and grabbed my title and went to go against Layla.

Her music played and she headed out there.We were friends so it was just a normal match.I got out there and acted like I didn't like her and smiled evilly at her and skipped over to the ring and wiped my shoes in the end of the ring and got in.The match started and Layla gave me a clothesline.

I got back up quickly and kicked her in the gut and flipped her over.She got up slowly and I bounced off the ropes to give me a boost and gave her a shoulder tackle.I put her in the black widow and she was about to tap when the whole arena went black.

I heard the theme song if a certain ex boyfriend and he ran in and started kissing me.I tried to get away from him but he was too strong.I heard the shields theme play an Dean came running and so did Seth and Roman.Dean started beating the hell out of Randy as I got out of the ring.

They picked him up and Roman yelled and they gave him the triple power bomb.Dean looked at me with no expression and took me backstage.

"From now on we'll be ringside at your matches" He told me.

I nodded in response and we headed to the locker room."You can shower here" Dean said.

"Oh come on!"Seth whined.

"Shut up!" Dean barked at him.

I went to the locker room and grabbed my stuff and took a shower.


I got out and it was just Seth."Where's Dean and Roman?"I asked.

"Getting Chinese" He grumbled.

"Why don't you like me?"I asked."What did I do?"

"Nothing" he walked past me and grabbed a coke from the fridge.

"Really, nothing?"

"Just shut up," he yelled.

I flinched.He looked up."Look I'm sorry I just-" he threw the bottle at the wall and it was a glass one so it shattered into a million pieces.

I was scared out of my mind so I left and went to catering even though Dean and Roman were getting Chinese.I saw Randy there and he was on his phone at a table.I ran out so that he wouldn't see me.

I got in the locker room and saw tat Roman and Dean were back."Got Chinese" Dean said.

"Thanks"I said as I took my food.I noticed that Seth kept staring at me.It was kinda making me uncomfortable.I went to the bathroom just do that I didn't have to see him staring at me.I got out and they were all finished.There were napkins and plates everywhere.Pigs.

I decided to clean it up and throw it into the trash.I left and started walking around when I heard steps behind me.I turned around and it was only Seth."Jeez you scared me" I said."I thought you were randy"

He chuckled."Sorry"

We walked around a little bit.It was all silent until Seth said."Listen, I'm sorry about being mean to you, there is a reason but.... it's hard to explain"He scratched the back of his head.

"Well try"I said.

He sighed."Really, come on"

"You're a big whiner"

He glared at me."You really want to know?"

I nodded.

"Because..... because.......Ilikeyou" He said quickly, but I understood.

I was shocked.Seth likes me?
"See that's why I was a afraid to tell you"He walked away.

I grabbed his shirt and spun him around and kissed him.I wanted to see if I had feelings for him,I do.

We let go and I smiled at him and he was just shocked.He kissed me again softly.

"Wow, and I thought I was gonna I was gonna take you on a date"A deep voice said.

I turned around and it was Dean."Dean I-"

He held up his hand."Don't worry"

He walked away.I started crying and Seth hugged me."It's gonna be ok"

I realized that I don't need Dean, I have Seth.I looked up at him and smiled."Ya, everything is gonna be ok, as long as I'm with you"A little cheesy.

We kissed and it was passionate and long.We let go out of breath.Seth kissed my cheek."Come on, let's go"

I held his hand while we walked and we went to the shield's locker room.I found Roman there, watching TV.As usual.

He looked up and glared at me."You really pissed Dean off Aj"

"Listen, I wanna be with Seth, and if Dean has a problem, that's just too damn bad"

Roman shook his head."No, you don't understand, he's been liking you ever since he first lay eyes on you.He wanted to kill Randy because he saw the way he was treating you"

I looked at ground ashamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2013 ⏰

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