Chapter One

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Because why the hell not.


It was hard for Saeyoung to watch her leave. Hard for him to gaze in jealousy as her petite figure was guided down the aisle for her to marry another man. It should have been him. He should have been the one to take her hand in his own, place the ring on her slender finger, and bond them together for the rest of their lives with a kiss.

'It didn't even have to be at a space station,' he thought as he forced a smile, being the loudest clapper in the audience of people who had arrived to view Yoosung and the girl of his dreams become one.

It was painful, yeah, but he had to endure it. For her. If she was happy, he'd bury his feelings deep within him, keep them a secret, just like he always did, and he'd remain as the 707 she always knew him to be.

He'd be incomplete, but she wouldn't, and just that thought made him the happiest man alive. Far more happier than Yoosung, who stole her away from him. Far more happier than any of the others, because his heart belongs to her, and he doesn't want it back.

His heart is hers to do what she likes with it. She can push him from her life if she desires, but as long as he can see her face, see her love, admire her from afar, it didn't matter to him who had her heart. As long as he could be by her side, even if as just a friend, is she was there, he was happy. And he could smile.

When she turned her back to the crowd to throw the bouquet, Saeyoung's smile faltered. Deep inside his chest, his heart, the one that belonged to her, hurt, for he knew that this was the only side of her that he would ever be able to see from then on.

He'll have to watch her turn her back to him, leave him behind, and he knew this meant that the smile he so dearly loved was never his in the first place.

'I was never good enough to have you,' he thought, 'but it's not like I deserve to be happy, anyway.'

When she turned back around to look over her shoulder, Saeyoung could've sworn that she was smiling right at him, tears falling down her cheeks as she mouthed the words, 'I'm sorry,' over the noise of the crowd. And

Saeyoung knew... it was time to reset. Again.


I'm in love with angst. And the reset theory really gets to me.
And yes, Saeyoung is my favorite character.


Reset {Saeyoung x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now