My life

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Hi my name is taylor an I'm in junior high but junior high is not what I expected what I thought It was going to be .I'm writing this because I have secrets that I wasn't supposed to do in till I get older ,no it's not about sex ,it's having your first kiss but ,I liked the boy who I kissed and well nothing happened . you want to know the boys name is his name is Chris and he's thirteen years old an in seventh grade , but I want a boyfriend who cares for me not what he wants from me you know what he wants from me "SEX"but I said no cause I didn't want to ,plus me losing my virginity this early my mom would kill me and move to Florida with my aunt and uncle an make me go to private school . but I decided not to cause I didn't want to end up pregnant and getting named at like "whore'' "bitch" " slut" . lucky me I didn't do that, so my life is very difficult cause my mom an dad are fighting ,my sister moved away with her boyfriend,my brother smokes and he's only 16,my grandma just died not to long ago,and there's me I'm getting bullied sense the beginning of school year it sucked . when I was In class a boy came up to me and says "would you go out with me"and just to make sure he wasn't playing around I asked him"why me why cant it be another girl"then he said" cause your pretty and cute"then I said yes and we've been dating before my grandma died ,when she was alive .when I heard this girl liked my boyfriend elijah I got really mad and told him and he said " i know "but he didn't tell me but told every body else even his friend kindle which kindle hates me cause I didn't say yes to him . before I moved to Houston I lived in Victoria Texas it's kind of small but that was my child hood memories ,and my loved ones,my first pet an my first birthday .well guys I don't anything else to say any more I ran out of words cause some times I forget .

!!!!!!Have a nice Christmas !!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2013 ⏰

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