chapter 7

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- Sakura's pov - 

i put Tenshi on a stretcher and took her to an empty room, she was pretty and i saw why naruto liked her so much but i didn't understand why didn't sasuke come back and love me like this... who am i kidding sasuke could never love me.
"how is she?" naruto asked of course he was going to be the first to visit her, he looked at her like with the love that he would, a bowl of premium ramen.

"yes, she'll be fine. please giver her a few days, the transformation took almost all her chakra" i said
"she's so amazing a-and beautiful i-i don't know what i would've done without her" he said and held her hand in both of his
"STOP BEING ALL LOVEY-DOVEY!!!" I yelled and ran out crying i looked like an idiot what was i thinking?! i went home and sulked with a bottle of sake, thinking of sasuke i really do take after my teacher.

- naruto's pov -

well that was different, your gonna get better Tenshi believe it you will! i saw a small smile i was happy, but more hungry than happy so i went ichiraku ramen and had 2 bowels of beef miso ramen and some dango's. i walked back to my room and saw that she was unchanged which is both good and bad, she hadn't gotten wore but not better either. so i went to sleep. when i woke up she was getting better which is good but she's still sleeping so i tidied up my house as she'll be living there i sold my single bed and bought bunk beds so she wouldn't have to use a thin air mattress anymore plus i got her some flowers and put them in a cup that slightly resembled a vase, i also got us some of my favorite juice and extra premium ramen in a cup!!! can't wait to eat it.

*** time skip ***

the house is clean and i got the bunk beds set up so...
"I've come to pick up Tenshi" i told the nurse
"ah yes, sakura told us that" she said,
"wait, was sakura here today?" i asked
"yes" the nurse replied,
"tell sakura to meet me, naruto at Tenshi's room please?" i said
"OK dear, just go along until you find her name" and the nurse left i hurried to her room
"hey angel" and i kissed her forehead
"you going to love our house, it's clean and we have bunk beds, how cool! but i already called top and i bought extra premium ramen!!!" i'm so excited for when you wake up just then the door swung open "i'm sorry for yesterday, i know how you feel towards Tenshi and i shouldn't have been mean it's just that i'm struggling you know since sasuke left" she really was sorry and i saw that i gave her a giant bear hug
"you're not my girlfriend, but your still my best friend" she hugged me back and i was happy not in a love way but a happy friends way. "but tenshi isn't your girlfriend either" sakura says "oh yea" i breathed in a dazed state everything we've been through, i smirk "guess I've gotta change that y'know" 

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