Stealing BEN's Catchphrase

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Have you ever went on a road trip with a supposedly fictional murderer? No? Good, then you have never had to endure what I did.

Jeff was the most awkward person to be with in a vehicle ever. He was quiet most of the time. I didn't talk. Funny how after all those months of talking to him online with complete calmness, I can't talk to him in person. Of course, I thought I was talking to a normal person back then.

I stared out the window, not meeting the face of the creature beside me. Every time I did, it hit me again that he was real. That shock, followed by that dizzying realization. Jeff the Killer was real. And he was sitting right beside me.

For awhile I wondered if my life was in danger. I was terrified. He's a murderer. I could see the knife sticking out of his pocket!

That was when it hit me.

He could pull that knife out on me at any time. He could kill me at any moment. But he couldn't if he didn't have that knife. It was night now, but I could see a forest beside the road. Maybe I could outrun him in the dark.

I took a deep breath. What if he caught me? He would surely kill me. Why wouldn't he? I was the one who asked to come, after all. But if I didn't...

I had to try.

The worst that could happen was dying.

And I was probably going to die anyway.

So why not at least try to make it out alive?

I closed my eyes and took another breath. Quickly, I opened my eyes and lunged forward, yanking the knife out of his pocket and into my grasp. Jeff yelled in shock and the car swerved. I lurched forward as he hit the breaks.

That was all it took.

I undid the seatbelt and threw the door open, then I was gone. I heard him shouting my name and I heard a car door slam, telling me that he was out, too. I was gone, though. Already at the tree line and dashing inside.

"Kimberly!" he screamed, "Kimberly! Get back here!"

I clutched the weapon to my chest and sprinted through the trees, stumbling over roots and trees. I was probably making enough noise to wake the dead but I couldn't stop. If I did, he would catch me and he would kill me.

My breath was labored and my legs felt like lead. My head was pounding hard against my skull and I felt sick. Even as I ran, I knew he was not far behind. Crashing through the forest angrily as he chases me to get back what is his.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

I tripped over something and fell on my face with a yelp. My eyes widened in panic and I scrambled to get up, knowing he was behind me. Just as I dashed off once more, I heard something crash through the trees towards me.

Damn, he was fast! He would be catching up in no time at this pace. And then what? There was no way I could fight him off. He would take his knife back and kill me. Some hunter might find me out here in a few days with burnt eyelids and a carved-in smile! What a newspaper heading that would be.

I shuddered at the very thought and forced my legs to go faster. Maybe I could still get away. Maybe if I just kept running. Maybe if I didn't stop tripping over these damned roots and limbs!

I scowled and jumped over a large rock. My breath was raspy and hard. I felt sick and light-headed. If I kept running like this, I would pass out. But if I didn't, I might just never wake up. I was screwed either way.

Even as I ran, I was getting paranoid. He was so close behind me. I was positive I could hear his breath right behind me, so sure that I felt his hand brushing against my hoodie. So sure that I could hear him calling out to me, though the pounding in my ears restricted me from hearing anything.

I felt something grab the back of my hoodie and I was tackled to the ground with a thud. The person rolled me on my back and pinned me down. My eyes widened at the black eyes that sat above me. The white face. The cut-in smile currently mixing with an angry glare.

"Kimberly," Jeff said in a low hiss, "Give me the knife." My eyes widened and I let out a blood curdling scream. Jeff's hand found my mouth and he quickly covered it before another sound could come out. His grip around my arm tightened painfully. "Give me the knife, Kimberly!"

I closed my eyes, my hand holding onto the knife for dear life and I squirmed around desperately. Tears came to my eyes and I screamed against his hand. I felt my body shaking. My hand clamped around his wrist and clung tightly. I screamed into his hand again and he growled.

"Shut up," he hissed. I shook my head and screamed again. Jeff growled lowly and I felt something sharp hit me across the face. My head shot to the side as his hand connected with my face. I yelped in surprise and pain and he grabbed my chin. He forced me to look at him.

"Now," he started, sounding slightly more calm, "Give me the knife, Kim. It's not yours and it's not nice to steal. Return the knife."

My mind was reeling. I had to think of something now. But what? Something came to my mind. I had the knife. He didn't. Maybe I could kill him?

But could I kill him?

It would only be self-defense.

It's his life, though!

He's taken a million lives before.

I haven't!

One shot. Live or die? What is there to lose?

There's his opening.

My hand wrapped around the handle tightly and I took a deep breath. Suddenly, I pulled it out of my pocket and plunged it toward Jeff's stomach. Something flashed in his eyes and he grabbed my arm before the knife would enter his stomach.

My heart dropped.

His eyes slowly looked to the knife, and then to me. He raised his eyebrows and then looked back to the knife. My hand shook as I pushed further toward his stomach, desperately trying to stab him. His hand grabbed onto my fingers and easily pried the knife away.

"Kimberly," he whispered, "You really shouldn't have done that."

My mouth now free, I croaked out a soft whimper. "That isn't your catchphrase," I whispered, shaking violently. He barked out a laugh and stood. Desperately, I rolled to my stomach and tried to stumble my way away from him.

Jeff grabbed my shoulders and yanked me backward. I opened my mouth to scream. "Do you really want to do that?" he asked in a hiss, glaring at me with that disturbing grin. "Stay quiet and come with me."

He dragged me through the forest for what felt like hours, but couldn't have been more than thirty minutes. Before I knew it, we were at the car. Jeff pulled me by my wrist while clenching his knife in his other hand. He opened the door and looped an arm around my waist. I yelped as he literally threw me in the back and slammed the door shut. Jeff went around the side and slid into the front seat.

I heard the doors click with a lock before he put it in drive and we were gone again.

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