Part 1( surprise )

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Troian and keegan have been together for almost 2 years and they love each other very very much ...../

" morning Babe "keegan says
" morning keegs what time is it " Troian asks
" umm 5 we have to be on set for 6 "
" ok well we better get up and dressed"
Just as she says that she runs to the bathroom and starts puking and keegan runs after her and holds her hair back
" you ok baby " he asks
" yea I'm fine let's get ready "
She knew something was wrong because she had been sick every morning for the past few weeks so she texted Lucy and asked her to get her a pregnancy test.....
Troian and keegan went to the Warner Bros Studios and to PLL's set and went to hair and makeup he kissed her bye and they went in opposite directions . Troian walked over to Lucy said
" did you get it "
" yea I did there you go " she said as she handed the test Troian
" thanks Lucy and please don't tell anyone until I know for sure "
" Troian don't worry I won't good luck " Lucy says
Troian goes to the bathroom and takes the test
And waits 3 mins then flips it over
" it's positive I'm pregnant " ...
Troian walked out of the bathroom and into keegans dressing room
" keegan I need to speak to you "
" Troian what is it are you ok babe "
" come with me " she takes him to the bathroom and closes the door
" remember when we were taking about having a little one run in round well now we will " Troian says smiling at keegan ,
" keegs I'm pregnant " she says handing him the test
" omg " he screams at the top of his lungs " this is amazing your pregnant" he says hugging me
" how far along are you babe " he says kissing me
" well I've been throwing up for the past few weeks so I have no idea I've made an appointment for tomorrow "
" babe you should have told me "
" I know I'm sorry I just didn't think that I could be pregnant "
She starts crying
" baby what's wrong why are you crying " he asks
" their tears of happiness keegs I've never been so happy in my entire life and I love you so much " she says
Keegan doesn't say anything he just kisses her
They walk out of the bathroom and onto set to get ready to film their scenes
" Troian we've been looking all over for you we're we're you " Marlene asks
" sorry I was in the bathroom "
" have you been crying " Ashley asks
" no I'm fine "
" you sure " shay asks
" positive " Troian says thinking about how the test was positive and grinning to herself
" ok your on in 321 ... the camera guy says
They film their scenes and break for lunch
The girls get us all coffee and just as Troian is about to drink hers keegan takes it out of her hand
" no coffee for you it's bad for you know what he whispers "
" oh yeah oops I forgot "
She puts it on the table and keegan gets her a bottle of water instead
"Troian why aren't you drinking coffee you love coffee " Ashley asks
" oh no reason " she says
" also why are you wearing that t-shirt you never wear baggy shirts " shay asks
" just want to be comfy in between shoots " she says smirking at keegan
" ok what's going on between you two " Sasha asks
" nothing " keegan says smirking back at her
" why are you so quiet today Lucy " Sasha asks
" oh I'm not Iv just got a headache " Lucy says secretly smiling at Troian
" ok well lets go ride on the golf carts back to set " shay says
The girls walk away except for Lucy
" well " Lucy asks excitedly
" It was positive Lucy I'm pregnant" she says holding keegans hand
" OMG congrats guys " she says hugging them
" when are you telling the others " she asks
" our first appointment is tomorrow so me and keegan will tell them after that "
" ok well my lips are sealed till then she says as she walks off
" how does Lucy know about the baby " keegan asks
" she got the test for me I texted her this morning "
They both walk hand in hand back to set and film their last scenes and go home
" I can't believe that in a few months we 'll have our baby in our arms" he says kissing me with his hand on my belly
They both cuddle all night until they fall asleep

End of chapter : sorry if this chapter was abit Boring but the next one will be much better I promise ... -M

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