Part 3 ( 2 months later and 2nd scan )

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Troian is now 5 months pregnant .....
I had been shooting scenes with the girls whilst keegan was going on a coffee run for the girls and to get me pretzels because Ive been craving them like crazy when all of a sudden the fire alarm went off Marlene ran outside and we followed she lead us into the woods were there was candles rose petals and fairy lights every were ...... there I see Keegan smiling at me
He walks over to me and says
" Troian Avery bellisario from the Moment we first kissed as spencer and toby to falling in love with each other off screen and to when we first found you were pregnant iv loved you more than anything or anyone in the world so ... Troian Avery bellisario will you Marry me" he says getting down on one knee
" yes yes yes keegan yes of course I'll marry you " she says jumping into his arms
Shay ,Ashley ,Lucy , Sasha , Marlene , Ian , Tyler and the rest of the crew were clapping and cheering ...
Keegan puts Troian down and starts kissing her ....
" OMG keegan " Troian says crying
" what , what is it " he says worriedly
She grabs his hand and puts it on her bump
" the baby's kicking " she says smiling
" I love you Troian and I love you too little one" he's says giving my bump a kiss
They all congratulate Troian and keegan and go  back to set whist Troian and keegan lie under the strars and cuddle
" hey Babe what gender do you think the baby is " keegan says
" I don't know id love a little boy because I just know hed look like you ,  but on the other hand I'd love a little girl because no one can ever replace you and I think she'd be a little princess so I'm honestly not bothered as long as our little ones healthy "she says cradleing her big bump  
" aww Troi your the greatest Fiancé ever  do you know that and I think if it was a girl she'd look just like you a queen " he says smiling at Troian
" keegs also iv been reading some pregnancy books and I'm bigger than I should be I hope everything's ok " she says looking worried
" babe don't worry everything will be fine , he /she might just be a big little one he says kissing my bump softly which made the baby kick
" keegan the baby's kicking again " she says happily
He kisses her belly again
" and again , he /she is so going to be a daddy's girl / boy " Troian says
" hey Troi the appointment to find out the gender is tomorrow " keegan says
" omg I totally forgot but I'm so excited and so happy there is no one else I'd rather share my life with than you and no one else I'd want to marry or have a baby with , I love you keegan so much "
" I love you to baby more than words can ever say "
They kiss and cuddle for a while and then fall asleep curled up to each other
The next day ...
it was 9am keegan and troian had just arrived at the doctors clinic and were at waiting ..
" Miss bellisario " the doctor calls
They go into the room and Troian lays on the bed and rolls her shirt up
" so let's have a look shall we " she puts the gel on my stomach and looks around
" well .... she pauses and looks puzzled at the screen then says " I'll be right back " she walks out of the room
" keegan something's wrong I know it is " she says starting to cry
" shhhh babe it's going to be ok " he says pulling her into a hug
The nurse walks in with another doctor and points to the screen
" doctor is everything ok " keegan asks
" well I never it looks like your having twins , I'm so sorry if I sacred you both I just needed a second opinion " she says smiling at us
" twins I say " smiling with tears in my eyes but this time happy tears
" yes here have a look , so that's one baby and that's the second she one "
" how come you didn't know it's was twins 3 months ago " keegan asks
" one of the baby's must have been hiding behind the other it happens regularly "
" is everything ok are they healthy " Troian asks nervously
" yes their very healthy , would you like to know the genders " she asks
" no thank you we'd like it to be a surprise  " I say as I look at keegan
" ok well congratulations on having twins "
" do we have to wait " keegan says giving Troian puppy dog eyes
"Yep we both agreed keegs " Troian says smiling at him
" ok well I'll see you in a few months at the birth oh and it's normal to have a big bump because there's 2 baby's so don't worry about that .
Troian and keegan go home and spend the whole night talking about the baby's and how happy they are .....

End of chapter hope you like -M

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