Harry Potter

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       Harry Potter couldn't take it anymore. His twin brother, Nicholas, got all of his parents attention while he was left to fend for himself. His parents only payed attention to him when they thought he did something wrong. His godparents, Sirius and Remus Black, only really cared for Nick. They weren't family, they were strangers. Just people who treated him like a house elf.

       Harry was struggling. He knew they were not treating him right, but he was getting enough food to live. There was no guarantee he would get that much on the streets. It was Christmas day that eliminated any doubt Harry had about leaving. Every Christmas a large group would gather at the Potter mansion for a Christmas party. The Weasleys, Potters, and Blacks would all exchange gifts. They would feast and laugh into the night. Harry never recieved gifts and was never given a seat at the table.

       When the Weasleys arrived that year, something was different about them. He noticed that there was an extra boy in the bunch. Harry knew he had to be a Weasley, but he had never seen the boy before. The family didn't seem to pay much attention to him and he looked like he was trying to hide himself away from everyone. Harry was immediately interested in the boy. After the rest of the Weasley went into the dining room to eat, Harry came down from the stairs he been observing behind and approached the boy.

"Hi. I'm Harry. I haven't seen you here before?" he said as he stopped in front of the boy.

"My name's Ron. This is the first time I'm here. Wanted to know where they went every year. I never get to go." the boy, Ron, replied with a shrug.

"If it makes you feel better, I live here and I'm never invited. My family hates me." Harry said, looking towards the ground.

"Mine too. I have so many older brothers that I'm nothing to them." Ron said, putting a hand on Harry's shoulders.

"I wish we could just leave" Harry said.

"Maybe we can,"

It would be two months before anyone noticed Ron Weasley and Harry Potter ran away. 

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