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"Officer! Officer please! My son is gone and I dont know where he is. We were in that shop just over there picking out his birthday gift and he──"

"Maam I need you to calm down right now and te──"

"Calm down? My son is nowhere to be found and you want me to calm down? Hes only six!" Her artificial brown hair bounced as she inched closer to the officer.

The officer took a few steps back. "Maam I need you to tell me your name, your sons name, and the last thing he was wearing."

"Im sorry about that. My name is Jamie Lance──" she could feel herself laughing at how fake the name sounded, despite it actually being fake, she had never come up with one like that.

"My sons name is Rin. His hair is dark brown, hes about this hight──"  The woman lowered her hand. "──and he was wearing a neon jacket with black basketball shorts. He was with me the whole time, officer.  But when I turned around he was gone."

"Okay. When was this?"

"About ten minutes ago.  Sir Im really worried is there anything you can do right now?" She straightened the fake glasses that rested upon her face.

"I can c ──"

ring ring

"Excuse me for a second."

The officer was astonished. This womans son went missing and she ──at the moment ── seems like there are more important things to do.

"Juvia. Im done. Meet me at the car and ill give you the money."

She glanced at the officer to her left. She needed an escape plan.

Oh. Oh. Bingo.

She faked a gasp. "You found him?!"

The officer turned his attention towards the woman on the phone.

"What? Found who? I said meet me at the car."

"Oh! Thank you! Thank you so much! Ill see you there." She hung up the phone and turned to the officer.

"Someone found my son, officer. Im going to go him right now." She smiled.

"Would you like me to go with you just in case anything ha──"

"No thank you, I can take care of myself. Thank you so much for your assistance──" She waved and turned the corner.

"──asshole." She threw her glasses on the ground and took her chestnut brown wig off, revealing her blue, wavy hair.

She spotted a black rover and hopped in.

"What was that about?"  The man asked once they hit the road.

"What was what about?"  She ruffled her messy blue hair as she stared at her reflection. 

"What? You found him!?  Oh thank you thank you! "  He mimicked.

"Nothing.  Anyways did he buy it?"

"Yeah he complained about the price but he was already high so he didn't put up much of an argument.  Plus, I tricked him into thinking it was premium weed so he bought it for a higher price."

"Yes!  Youre one hell of a drug dealer."

"And I guess you didnt do so bad yourself.  That cop couldntve sensed trouble if it bit him in the ass, well, not with you distracting him at least.  Thanks, anyways."

"Anytime. So wheres my money?"

He handed her a wad of money. A thick wad of money. She smiled and smelled it. "Bora it smells like weed."

Bora laughed.

The car stopped and the bluenette hopped out of the car, feeling extra happy today. Her name was Juvia Lockser.

"I love weed."


if ya didnt get it
this book is about con artists lmao
sorry if it wasnt clear

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