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Laxus's pov

Lisanna had let me in, and I followed her up stairs. We get there in time to se everyone scamper into rooms, all because of the she-devil. I laugh at the guys faces, because they were more scared than the girls were. Mira turns around, waves and gives me her cute smile... 'wait did I just say cute?' Anyways, Lisanna spoke "Laxus you will be staying in Mira's room with Mira, because we do not have enough guest rooms." I was shocked, but I quickly covered it up. "Come again?" Mira and I said. Lisanna just giggled "You heard me." and with that she skipped away to get the door. "Follow me." Mira in a fritz-my-life voice. We went into her room, it had really light yellow walls and a white fluffy carpet. Her bed was to my left, it had white covers and cream colored pillows. There was a beanbag chair in the corner to the right, with 4 shelves of books next to it. There was an antique oak desk in the far left corner, there was an ink well and a tall glass with quills on the desk. Along with the quills and stuff there was a stack of parchment paper and a dried rose in a vase. Lastly in the far left corner there was cream colored door, on it were silver words in cursive "Mirajane Strauss" small gold butterflies and sparkles were around it. "That door in the corner is my closet. You can sleep in the bed if you want." She was back to being cheerful. "No it's ok, I have my sleeping bag anyways." I tell her. "Laxus, I didn't think that you of all people would come." She admitted. "Gramps made me. He said 'You should go child, it will be good for you!' He is such a pain sometimes." i say annoyed at gramps. She just giggled in response. "Anyways I saw you scaring the others, the funny thing was that Natsu and Gray were more scared than Lucy and Levy." I say with a bit of a laugh. "GUY!" We hear Lisanna call.

Wendy's pov

I just got there with Carla, she is so kawaii with her little pink suitcase! Lisanna opens the door, she leans down and smiles at me and Carla. "Hi, Wendy and Carla. Follow me!" She greets us "Hi!" I say cheerfully,  we head up some stairs. She leads me to a room that has mine and Romeo's name on it, I walk in to see Romeo sitting on the edge of the bead writing in a... diary? He sees me and quickly closes the journal and shoves it into his bag. "H-hey Wendy!" He stuttered. 'He is so cute...' The good thing was that Carla, Happy, and Pantherlily were staying in Lisanna's room. So Carla couldn't scold me... or hit Romeo upside the head. I got settled into the room, "Romeo, what were you writing." I finally say breaking the silence. "Oh nothing, just a... personal journal." He responds choosing his words carefully. "So a diary." I reply, "Well if you put it that way it makes me look dumb." I giggled at his comment. "I have a diary, too" I pull out a small sky blue, leather bound journal with a silver lock the shape of a dragon wing. "How do you open it if the lock doesn't have a whole in it?" He questioned with a puzzled face. "It opens when I put my finger on it. I created it with a wind dragon slayer move I made, I call it wind dragon slayer lock. It creates a lock to the shape and size you need it, when you want to open it you just have to put your finger on it and it opens for you." I explained, "Oh cool! Could you make me one?" He exclaimed with an astonished face. "Yeah, just think of the shape and let me see your hand." He held out his hand for me, palm up, and I focused the hazy blue light on his fingers. Then an inch above his hand, a lock the size of a cherry appeared. It was an "R" that was on fire. "Try it out!" I say cheerfully as the blue haze disappears, he puts his pointer finger on the face of the "R". It gave a satisfying click, he pulled out his journal and fastened it on. I continued settling in.

Romeo's pov

I looked at the lock, I thought about what I imagined the lock to be. I look at the bottom of the "R". On the bottom it had the words "I love the sky maiden" in curly letters. I don't know why I wanted that, I just did. "GUYS!" We heard Lisanna call. We immediately scrambled out of our room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FUN TIME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Phoenix: Hello minna!

Everyone: Hi...

Phoenix: I am going to ignore your boredom and continue the game.

Mira: *Whispers to Phoenix*

Phoenix: *Eyes widen* YES!

Juvia: Juvia wants to know what Mira said.


Gray: GAH! *Panics*

Juvia: *Hearts in eyes and then faints*

Lucy: Go on Phoenix -_-

Phoenix: Oh, yeah. Gajeel! Truth or dare.

Gajeel: I'm not losing to pyro or ice perv, but this is something from you and Mira. So truth.

Levy: I have a feeling i'm involved.

Mira: Why yes you are, Levy.

Natsu and Gray: Good luck Metalhead/Metalmouth

Phoenix: *Giggles* Gajeel, tell us why you really protect Levy. Also none of that 'She's to small.' or 'She's to weak.' or 'She's just a shrimp.' crap, kay?

Gajeel: *Sighs* I protect her to make up for what I did to her in the past, and she's nice and sweet and caring towards me. *Whispers* and I might like her.

Levy: *Hears* Oh. *Kisses Gajeel*

Gajeel: *Surprised*

Mira and Phoenix: AWWWWWWWWWWWW!

Everyone but Mira and Phoenix: You better not hurt her, Gajeel.

Phoenix: Well, bye!

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