Riley's Outfit For School
It's Monday morning and I am down stairs eating some breakfast.
I could already tell that I am not going to have that good of a day. Why you may ask, because, one it's Monday and I hate Monday's and two, its my first day at my new school.
I mean what senior wants to go to a new school, where they know no one. And on top of that it is three months into the school year already. Not me...
_ _ _I decided to wear a pair of black skinny jeans, a maroon-ish red sweater, and a pair of light brown boots, with my hair in loose curls.
After I was done eating I grabbed my bag, keys, and a bottle of water.
As I made my way out to my car I looked over at my neighbors house and saw a guy around my age coming out of the front door.
He looked kinda familiar. But I could only see a little bit of his face seeing as he was turned around locking his front door.
As soon as he turned around I instantly knew who he was. It was the boy who decided to have a make out session on my car.
I can't believe out of all the people in this stupid town I get this guy as a neighbor. I mean I don't even know his name. But I do know that he is a player that I am sure sleeps around with a lot of girl and messes with there feelings and leaves them heart broken. And doesn't even feel bad about it.
But he doesn't even spare me a glance. Just gets into his car.
So with that I get into mine and take off down the street.
I have just parked in the parking lot of the school.
And I am a bit nervous to go in but it's now or never right.So I grab my bag and water bottle and make my way up to the school.
This school is pretty big. And I have no clue where I am going.
So I ask the first person I see. Which is this girl who looks pretty nice and is getting stuff out of her locker.
"Um excuse me can you show me where the office is ?" I ask with a smile.
She turns to look at me "Yeah sure" she replies returning the smile.
"Are you knew here?" She asks while we walk down the crowded hallway.
" Yeah, I moved here a couple days ago" I reply." Oh well Welcome to Eastwood high" She says.
"Thanks, I am Riley by the way."
"Elle." She says while holding her hand out for me to shake which I do.Elle is very tall and skinny with long red hair and bright green eyes. She is very pretty.
"So have you liked it here so far? "
She asks." It's ok it's just not really what I am used to". I reply
" I get it, it's probably a big change for you" She replies with a genuine smile.
"You have no idea" I reply.
Then all of sudden someone runs into me and I crash to the floor.
I look up to see who just ran into me. It was none other than my manwhore of a neighbor himself. Who is looking down at me with a smirk.Oh I would love nothing more than to slap that smirk right off his face right now.
"You should really watch where your going cupcake." He says with an amused smirk.
Right now I was boiling. First this guy makes out with some girl on my car and now he runs into me in the hallway and has the audacity to blame it on me.
Does the universe hate me right now!
" Or maybe you shouldn't come barreling down the hallway not paying attention and running into people you freaking tool". I reply through gritted teeth.By now there is a pretty big crowd gathered around the little seen.
His smirk only grows though. Making me even more angrier.He then proceeds to walk around me like I am suddenly invisible.
Keep your cool Ri. Keep your cool. I keep repeating that, but it doesn't work at all....I suddenly stand up and fire back.
"You know I am trying to see things from your point of view I really am like why you're such an immature jerk, or why you act like you're the baddest thing around, but I just can't seem to get my head that far up my ass like you have yours to completely understand. I mean I have some theories would you like to hear them?. I say with a smirk on my face.
He stops walking and turns around slowly with a smirk.
I swear that thing is permanent.
He walks toward me until we are only a foot apart.
" Cupcake if you haven't noticed I am the "baddest" thing in this school. So you should learn some manners and treat me with such respect just like everyone else around here does. Or else I will make your life a living hell" He threatens.
I do the only thing that I can think of... I punch him in the throat.
He starts gasping for air. And I take that to my advantage to say something to him making sure everyone else can hear.
"Listen you prick don't you ever threaten me again got it. Guess what you may have been the king of this school, but now that's about to change. You ever try something like you just did again and I will make you wish you were in hell and that's not a threat that's a promise." I say to him.
He looked up at me and was angry and when I say angry I mean seething.
With that I walked away, while flipping him off too.

The move
Teen FictionAll I could hear was the peircing sound of gun shots. Bullets flying everywhere in the night. The only light that illuminates the dark night is a small street light at the end of the street. My heart is racing a thousand beats a minute. I keep looki...