Part 1

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To say it was an emotional struggle and embarrassing for Robot was the understatement of the century to him. Work has been a little bit more of struggle now due to the situation he and Gart were now in. The situation being is that they have been dating for about a month now and Gart has most definitely taken some advantage over it. Whether Gart knew of the advantage was at the moment unknown to Robot.

            Though more likely than not Gart may actually not know that he had that advantage. It started out small. Gart came out of his office more and look among the factory to check on everyone like he cared. Then after about two weeks after their agreement to test the waters and date did Gart come out and linger a stare at Robot. Which in return Robot would blush and Gart who seemed satisfied with himself went back to his office. Then it got worse Gart would come out of his office and strike a conversation with the workers and eventually him. Then he would touch Robot subtly and go back to his office with a grin on his face.

             To say it simply Robot was starting to hate his life just a little bit more now.

    Maybe Gart wouldn’t do this today though. After all today was one of the busiest days at the factory. Today was national light day. The day of the year where everybody celebrated the creation of the lightbulbs and all factories with light bulbs worked harder and faster. To satisfy the needs of the public. So Gart shouldn’t bother anyone today including himself with any fancy things or subtly touches.

            He was broken out of his train of thought when the income in the factory broke out in its annoying automated tone.

            “Would Robot Default please report to the main office. Repeat would Robot Default please report to the main office.” It ended with a long toned beep.

            Great. Now everyone in the factory is giving him the “oh you’re in trouble look”. Robot rolled the walk or in his case roll of shame to Garts office while receiving looks and quiet murmurs. Apparently Robot was wrong when he thought Gart wouldn’t bother him today.

            He got to the office and opened the office and rolled in. Half way into the office Robot noticed something very strange. He didn’t seem to see Gart in the office.  He went to shut the door when he noticed Gart was behind him and he shut the door. How he had not noticed Gart shut the door?

            “Robot I believe there are somethings we should discuss, why don’t you take a seat hmm?”

            Gart rolled pass Robot and sat in his unnecessarily long chair and desk in front of the electronic fire. After a minute of considering his choices (which weren’t many). Robot  decided to sit in front of his brother’s desk and wait for the worst.

            “ So how is you day so far little bro ?”

            Well Robot wasn’t expecting that. Gart has never been interested in what going on with in his life. Even on the two dates they had been on Gart only talked about his success like he was trying to impress hi- oh OH! The sudden realization hit Robot like a ton of bricks and Gart seemed to pick up the uneasiness Robot was in.

            “Too much?” asked Gart sheepishly

            “No. Um it just caught me off guard you know ? I just have never been good at relationships and I am also not used to attention. But uh yeah everything is fine so far today. Gart? Why did you call me in today? It is the busiest day of the year for us after.”

            Gart froze for a moment as if he was caught in a lie for sorts. But he shook it off really quick and a smirk sneaked its way on to his face. He presses the button on his desk to lower it down to a normal level his eye’s never leaving Robots the whole time.

            “Well Robot I must confess. I may have called you in here for a more intimate reason...”

            That got his attention quicker than what he wanted. It bothered him to. Sure they were dating. But were they really at the part of the relationship if he cared whether or not why Gart called him up? He was probably going to break up with him. That’s what he gets when he opens up to people.

            His thoughts were cut short. While Robot was caught in his train of thought. He failed to notice that Gart had gotten off his chair and rolled to Robot smirking. He got up in his face and kissed him. It felt good like really good he didn’t want it to stop ever. Gart slipped his tounge in his brothers mouth and began to explore it. The unknown territory that Gart has yet to explore. To him it tasted like bacon and mint. A good combo if you ask Gart.

            Gart wanted to take it step further because he incredibly overcome with intense lust and desire to hold and fondle his little brother. So he picked up his brother and sat him on the desk but stopped for a minute his eye’s glassed over with lust. Robot froze up when he did that. Well he couldn’t have that could he?

            He slowed down his pace to make him more comfortable. He started to put his lips to a little more use. Whispering sweet nothings into his ears and his hands gliding around his chassis. Though it didn’t last as long as Gart would have wanted.

            “Gart wait!”

            “Hmm ? Whats wrong Robot are you not enjoying yourself? You were making such devious noises.”

            “No it’s not that! It just could we do this at your place? I mean I know we can’t leave but maybe you could wait till after work?” Robot averted his gaze.

            “Robot we can most definitely leave. I can do about anything and you know aswell as I that they won’t miss me.”

            They left in a ragged rush to his house in the limo Gart couldn’t help but to touch Robot in sensitive places. When they got there they couldn’t help themselves kissing all the way to the bedroom.

            When they got to the bedroom Gart pushed Robot on the bed kissing him and touching everywhere. Robot doing the same in return. But all of a sudden Gart stopped.

            “I-Robot I love you. I love having you on my bed looking so beautiful. You always have been. I love seeing you like this to love you like this. I just god your too good for me.”

            Robot was awestruck. He thought he was too good for him? Robot kissed him harshly and opened his chassis. Gart smiled tenderly and did the same. Today they were spending national light day the right way.

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